Yachting USA – September 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1
remote control

Previously chartering as Titan, the newly refi tted Aqua Blu started life as Beagle, named after the boat that took Charles Darwin to the Galapagos.


Aqua Blu is part of
the Aqua Expedi-
tions fl eet, which
started with the
river cruisers Aqua
Amazon and Aqua
Mekong. The com-
pany specializes in
bringing high-end
experiences to
remote destinations.
Aqua Blu is the fi rst
superyacht to join
the fl eet and base
year-round for
charter in remote
parts of Indonesia.

minotti on board

The owner of Aqua
Blu says designer
Cor D. Rover is us-
ing “a lot of Minotti”
furnishings in the
makeover of the
yacht’s interior. The
decor will be
neutral with white
accents, to empha-
size the natural
light already com-
ing in through the
vessel’s windows.

alfred wallace

Alfred Russel Wa l-
lace was a British
explorer who con-
ceived the theory of
evolution separately
from Charles
Darwin while in the
Amazon and Indo-
nesia. The owner of
Aqua Blu brought a
book by Wallace to
custom dishmakers
in Bali, who created
hand-painted plates
and more for the
yacht, based on
Wallace’s original

local prints

While visiting Man-
hattan this past
summer, the owner
of Aqua Blu ex-
plored a rare-book
store. He found and
purchased original
prints of the Spice
Islands—one of
Aqua Blu’s charter
bought them to
hang in each of the
guest staterooms.

fa ir sh a r es

In redesigning the
interior of Aqua
Blu ahead of this
winter’s charter
season, the owner
created not one but
three staterooms
that he says qualify
as masters. His
thinking is that
because the yacht
can accommodate
30 guests, three
families may want
to charter together
and split the weekly
base rate. With the
three masters, each
family’s patriarch
and matriarch can
feel equally com-
fortable on board.
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