The Hollywood Reporter – August 14, 2019

(lily) #1

The Business


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n early July, First Media
noticed that YouTube viewer-
ship to its toddler-centric
brand, BabyFirst TV, had dropped
between 30 and 40 percent. “It
was very clear that they did some-
thing,” says Arik Kerman, First’s
executive vp programming and
digital. He’s referring to YouTube,
which he believes made changes
to its algorithm that caused
the decline in BabyFirst
video views. “Honestly, it’s
very frustrating. We’re now
trying to understand what
the new rules are.”
Indeed, on Aug. 1, YouTube
acknowledged to Bloomberg that
it had made an algorithm change
to boost “quality” family content.
Some family-friendly chan-
nels got a viewership bump, but
BabyFirst — which has 1.5 million
subscribers on its main channel,
dedicated to teaching children
ages 0 to 3 basics like colors and
the ABCs — was one of several
channels impacted negatively.
While algorithm changes are
nothing new, this one comes

How YouTube’s Clean-Up Act Impacts Creators

In its latest effort to create a safe environment, the Google-owned video giant is changing its search algorithm and directing
younger visitors to its Kids app channels, baffling some content makers: ‘We’re now trying to understand what the new rules are’

amid renewed scrutiny over
whether YouTube is a safe envi-
ronment for children who both
post and view videos. Multiple
times over the past two years,
the Google-owned site has had to
answer for the scores of violent,
sexual and exploitative videos
aimed at children that prolifer-
ate on its platform. Earlier this
year, reports revealed that
pedophiles were congre-
gating in the comments
sections of videos featuring
kids. In response, YouTube
has purged more than 400
channels, disabled comments
on tens of millions of videos and
reduced recommendations of
content featuring children in
“risky situations.”
Per a July report from The
Washing ton Post, the company
has agreed to a multiyear settle-
ment with the Federal Trade
Commission over its collection of
data from children under age 13, a
violation of the Children’s Online
Privacy Protection Act. Kids’
safety on YouTube is “one of the
most important areas we focus
on,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai
said July 25 on an earnings call.

reaches a billion people where
many audience members are
young people who wouldn’t move
over to YouTube Kids, and now
they would only have access to
adult content.”
Analysts believe that cleaning
up the platform can only help. “It’s
important for advertisers to have
a YouTube that works for them,”
says GroupM’s Brian Wieser. “The
clearer the environment, even
if it came at the expense of less
inventory, the more desirable the
platform would be for advertisers
and to users and consumers, too.”
Creators agree. “This change,
in the short term, it hurts,” says
Kerman of BabyFirst, which
already has seen its traffic start
to recover from the July algorithm
change. “But in the long term,
I completely understand what
YouTube is doing. At the end of
the day, content creators, YouTube
and parents will benefit.”


NATALIE JARVEY is digital media
editor at The Hollywood Reporter.

Many creators who operate
family-friendly YouTube channels
acknowledge the importance of
child safety. But their concerns
over algorithm changes also high-
light the challenge for YouTube
in protecting young viewers from
exploitation while also sup-
porting businesses that use its
platform to reach their audiences.
“Over the years, we’ve taken a
number of critical steps to protect
minors and families on YouTube,”
a company spokeswoman told
THR, pointing to the effort to
disable comments on videos
featuring kids and a recent rule
change that restricts unaccompa-
nied minors from live-streaming.
“We recognize these changes
may have an impact on creators,
which is why we provide a number
of resources.”
YouTube restricts users under
age 13 from creating accounts,
though it’s not hard for younger
children to dodge that rule. The
company directs younger users
to YouTube Kids, a separate
app it launched in 2015 with
a curated selection of family-
friendly videos, including from
established brands like Sesame
Street, Nickelodeon and Disney.
While not as robust as the main
YouTube, which has 2 billion
monthly users, YouTube Kids
is popular with parents. Some
kid-centric channels report that
between 20 and 50 percent of
their overall views come from the
app. But while it’s been suggested
that YouTube could move all chil-
dren’s content to the Kids app as a
way to avoid further safety risks,
not everyone supports that idea.
“I don’t think it would achieve
the goal that those calling for it
are actually seeking,” says Chris
M. Williams, founder and CEO of
children’s media brand Pocket.
watch. “You’d have a service that


How Often Parents Let
Kids Watch YouTube

How Often Users
Encounter Abusive or
Demeaning Videos

Source: Pew Research Center, November 2018







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