NZ Performance Car – September 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1









Jaden Martin
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: jaden_nzpcmagazine




ow much does mileage weigh in on a
car purchase for you? For most, it’s a
big driving factor as to whether or not
that cold hard cash will be handed over.
There are those that simply won’t even
touch anything considered to have high-kilometres,
regardless of the condition it may be in. Many still use
the benchmark of any six-figure number with a ‘2’ or
higher in front of it as the be-all and end-all. Others
are a bit more lenient, although they generally want
to pay as little as possible for the car in question. It’s
understandable, too, as for a long time I shared the
same mindset for no other reason than that’s what
those around me thought. Perhaps it’s a byproduct
of the automotive manufacturing industry wanting us
to subconsciously fear older cars in order to keep
sales numbers trickling on through. Or, it’s just the
fact that, as cars get on in life, parts start to break
down and the maintenance bills keep on coming —
everything has its lifespan.
I think that the attitude may have been passed
down from generations before that were more
inclined to replace cars in a shorter timeframe than
what many do now. And with our national fleet’s
average age only increasing as we hold on to the

imports of decades prior, finding low-mileage cars
is becoming more difficult.
But, in terms of buying a car that has seen a
few spins of the odometer, I don’t think it should
be the number-one factor that determines your
purchase. It acts as an indicator, sure. However, it
provides little to no information on how it has been
treated by the owner(s). I’ve known plenty of lower-
mileage cars that have been thrashed to hell and
back with no maintenance history at all due to a
complete ignorance of what they need and when.
I’ve also known cars with numbers higher than your
local crackhead that may as well have just been sold
off the showroom floor. The reality is that there is far
more to take into consideration than just a number.
The maintenance history should be your
first port of call. Is there anything at all? No? Then
your purchase is going to be a gamble. Most that
I’ve encountered have had some form of service
history, be it simple receipts from local parts shops
for oil and filters, to the more intensive logbook-
style records of home mechanics that service the
cars themselves, and then the holy grail: a folder
of complete dealership service history that can be
traced back to the day the car was made. There’s a

good story to be told from these records.
What I’m getting at is that, if the car has done
a few clicks in its time, but has all the paperwork to
back up a solid maintenance history to show that
an owner has clearly looked after it, you’re less
likely to incur any issues. Don’t be scared to get
amongst the older generations. There’s plenty of fun
to be had for a lot less coin — hell, there are plenty
of recorded examples showing certain makes and
models reaching the likes of a million kilometres! And
if the market is showing us anything at the moment,
desirable models with higher mileage still hold their
value like any other when they’ve been looked after.
So, next time you’re in the market, ask the seller
what the maintenance history is and if they have any
records to share. You never know when a brand new
car is hiding under a ‘scary’ number ...




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