Autocar UK – 07 August 2019

(Nora) #1


There are so many bad car chases that

it’s a shock to watch a good one


Early Discoverys

could be set for a

modding frenzy


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Registration indignation

26 December 1903


Matt Prior



Baby Driver: not entirely unrealistic


hat’s the most commonly

modified car in the world,
I wonder? Probably the

Volkswagen Beetle,

b e c au s e p e ople h av e b e e n at it for h a l f

a century and there are millions of

them. Maybe the Jeep Wrangler and

its forebears?

S ome L a nd R ov e r s a r e pr oba bl y

there or thereabouts. Old Series

Landies get rebuilt in non-original

fashion all the time, while newer

Defenders get absurdly modded. The

classic Range Rover game is pretty

strong too. I quite like all of the above.

Anyway, I’ve got a hunch about

what’s up next, the upcoming big

thing in restoration and resto-

modding: the first and second-

generation Land Rover Discovery.

The Disco has been through its

new phase, and then its slightly naff

cheap phase, and through it all it has

always been modified for serious

off-roading, which gives it the level of

authenticity people want.

The problem is that films which

include car chases so often don’t

ge t it r i g ht. T he y don’t c a r e a b out

you or me, so they’ll have somebody

changing down a gear, or putting

their foot fully on the gas pedal

halfway through a drag race, as if

these drivers wouldn’t have thought

about that already. “Oh no wonder

he’s getting away. I set off in fourth!”

There are so many bad car chases

that it’s a shock to watch a good one.

I suspect GoPro and people

wearing Red Bull-branded helmets

haven’t helped the cause. We’re so

used to seeing daredevils being

actual daredevils that movie makers

are turning the drama up to 11 to get

our attention. Which means cars

being chased by nuclear submarines

or winning races backwards while

their engine is on fire.
Thing is, this is just cars, which

happens to be my specialist subject.

W h at i f y ou’r e i nt o s ome t h i n g

that filmmakers are bound to

take liberties with, like aircraft, or

firearms, or unarmed combat or

law or police procedures or, most

c om mon of a l l , I i m a g i ne , c omput e r s?

THE MOTOR CAR Act 1903, which

introduced vehicle registration,

driver licensing and the offence of

reckless driving, was not popular

among Britain’s early motorists.

Autocar readers’ complaints

included that “a doctor should

b e s p a r e d th e i n d i g n i t y of h av i n g

his car disfigured and labelled

like a public cab” and that “good

lads” not yet 17 working as drivers

shouldn’t have to be sacked.

O n e eve n p r o p o s e d to “ su r r o u n d

the official number with a galaxy of

others all similar to it” in order to

confuse authorities if the Act were

used in a “tyrannical manner”.
Confusion was rife, too, over

technicalities, such as whether one

hiring out cars with a view to selling

them had to register each or if ‘the

right to try’ made this needless.

A s a n a s i d e , we n ote d th a t th e

first reg – A1 – went to the Napier of

S o now, at 30, e a rl y c a r s h av e c ome the Second Earl Russell in London.

out the other side of all of that and

they’re ripe for a proper makeover.

There are loads around, except early

three-doors, and plenty are as cheap

a s c h ip s. C om i n g t o a he av i l y f i lt e r e d

Instagram page near you soon.

■ Re-watched the movie Baby Driver

the other day, because it’s a terrific

y a r n a nd , b e t t e r s t i l l , a f i l m w it h

c a r s i n t h at do e sn’t m a k e me w a nt

to smack my head against a

steering wheel.

The first time I watched it I did

worry for a moment (this isn’t a

s p oi le r, b y t he w ay, it ’s t he op e n i n g

scene). Our eponymous hero, Baby,

who’s a getaway driver, puts his

Subaru WRX into gear while waiting
for a ba n k r a id t o t a k e pl a c e. He

slams the gearlever to the right, and

backwards, and then waits for his

compadres to get back into the car.

“But that’s not first gear,” you and

I will think, because we know about

this sort of thing.

Anyway, then the robbers climb

aboard, Baby gives the WRX the

beans and drops the clutch, and to

the surprise of his passengers... the

car sets off backwards, exactly like

it should do. Lord love you writer/

director Edgar Wright. Should never

have doubted you for a second.


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