Elle UK – September 2019

(Wang) #1


ELLE.COM/UK September 2O19









Record (c) 2O19 APA.

Photography: Beth Sternbaum/Art Partner Licensing, Gett y Images.




as the new faceofSaintLaurent,lookingnotunliketheAtlasMountains:
rugged, but anundeniablybeautifulsight.AndactorssuchasBrooke
Shields and NicoleKidmanhaveturnedtheirbacksontheneedle,too.
Fifteen yearsago,thingswereverydifferent.Beautyculturefound
itself in the gripofananti-ageingepidemic,withphrasessuchas‘stop
the clock’ and‘wrinkle-busting’standardparlanceforanyoneover

  1. Botox wasrhapsodisedaboutonthecoverofTIMEmagazine,
    while filler sprinkleditsmagicuponthecavernsandhollowsofhalfof
    Hollywood’s faces.OneofthemostpopularprogrammesonBritishTV
    was 1O Years Younger– a showthatpromisedtoscrubthelastvestiges
    of age from its contestantsthrougha combinationofstyleadvice,non-
    invasive beautytreatmentsand,insomecases,cosmeticsurgery.While
    culture has alwaysgenuflectedatthealtarofyouth,themessagingback
    then was clear: everyonecan– andshould– wanttostayyoungforever.
    So the adventofMcSurgerywasuponus.Clinicswereinundated
    with 22-year-oldswhowanted‘preventative
    Botox’, while fortysomethingsclamouredto
    conceal any linesthroughcheek-inflating,
    jowl-lifting plumpers.LunchtimeBotox,’Baby’
    Botox and lip fillersforlessthanthecostofa
    train ticket meantthateveryoneaged 21 to 81
    could stay wrinkle-free.It alsomeantsomething
    else... An eerienewaestheticspreadacross
    our streets – a seaoffacesthatboretoddler-
    round cheeks, tumescentpoutsandimmobile
    foreheads. In ourdesiretorunfromthetides
    of time, everybodyendeduplookingnot
    younger exactly,but...thesame.Asisoften
    the way with culturaltrends,a kickbackbeganbrewingin2O17,with
    brands wagingananti-ageingcampaign– onethathailedthebestsort
    of beauty as a facenotcuratedbydoctors,butbythelifeyouhadlived.
    At the MediceticscliniconLondon’sHarleyStreet,DrVickyDondos
    is one of thosedoctors.Shehassteadilymadeanameforherselfas
    one of the go-to‘facewhisperers’forthosewanting‘zero-detection
    work ’. For the past1Oyears,DrDondashasofferedeverythingfrom
    light Botox to restructuringfillers,andherclientelehaswillinglytakenit.
    Until now. For DrDondoshasnotonlyseenasurgeinthenumberof
    women wantingtheiroldfacesback– sheherselfis a leadingthecharge.
    In fact, it wasDrDondoswhoworkedwithJennytoclawbackher
    original face. But,sheexplains,it’snotasimpletask.Yearsoffillers
    can stretch theskin,meaningyou’llneedanexperienceddoctorto
    rebalance andsoftenwithoutleavingthingsslack.Jennyembarkedon
    a ‘Botox diet’: ninemonthscoldturkeytoletthefacereturntoamore




Diane Keaton

Michelle Pfeiffer

Tilda Swinton



T H AT you LO OK


natural state, a focus on ‘skin health’ to improve texture and firmness
through non-invasive care, and a reintroduction of much-reduced
amounts of Botox to shift the deepest of lines. And Jenny is not the first.
‘More women are embracing technologies [such as facials and
lasers] that allow them to look their best at different ages,’ says Dr Dondos.
‘It’s no longer about escapism or vanity, but self-care, liking your face,
and not being held back by concerns that you look “too old”.’
Requests for trout pouts and taut foreheads have given way to
clients seeking to ‘reclaim’ their faces. ‘I regularly receive enquiries
about undoing fillers,’ says beauty editor favourite Dr Sophie Shotter
‘[These women] are proud of their age, but just want to look like the
best versions of themselves. Very few now ask me to take 1O years off.’
Dr Nima Mahmoodi, who works across a number of clinics in the UK,
agrees that the philosophy around ‘having work ’ is changing. While
the trend in Essex (where he has a clinic) ‘is still for that bigger-is-better
aesthetic... and [with] certain nationalities, their
approach is: the more work you have done, it
shows how much money you have’, in London,
his clients now prefer ‘the natural approach’.
This notion of relaxing your stance on
wrinkles doesn’t just end in clinics. In the world
of make-up, a new look has emerged that
goes further than ‘natural beauty’ to... barely
any at all. Last year, make-up sales only saw
3% growth, compared to that of skincare at
16% ,* while sales of contouring products are
in decline,** as consumers ditch the coverage.
There is also evidence to suggest
that allowing lines to reappear in their rightful place might change
the way other people view you. In a recent study that focused
on the ‘Duchenne smile’ (essentially, how genuine your smile is),
participants were shown photographs of people with more wrinkles
around the eyes and perceived them to not only be happier than those
without, but also more sincere.*** According to psychology professor
Daniel Messinger, who led the research, ‘It suggests facial actions have
simple meanings, and that the key to this language is constriction of
the eyes.’ ‘In other words, a given facial action could shape your
social interactions,’ says Nour Malek, another author on the paper.
With new technologies (plumping HydraFacials, tightening lasers,
glow-boosting microneedling) enabling you to sport beautiful skin
without making a mask of youth out of it, looking good while still looking
like you is easily achievable. As age-embracing Jenny so brilliantly puts
it, ‘Botox and fillers are just the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.’
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