New-Neu New-Neu
Trendy alt-spelling and interest-
ing color schemes like Skyline
Blue (pictured) aside, Ludwig’s
new USA NeuSonic drums
are designed for “the drum-
mer looking for reliability and
performance for every working
professional setting.” The six-
ply crossover shell design uses
a maple exterior over a cherry
interior, a 45-degree bearing
edge, and modern assembly
techniques that optimize tone
and response.
Three-piece shell pack $1,537
MSRP | ludwig-drums.com
The tagline for the Fender American
Acoustasonic Telecaster is: “Acous-
tic. Electric. Everything in between.”
But with an acoustic-style bridge, a
hollow body designed to resonate
unplugged, and electronics developed
in partnership with noted acoustic
pickup maker Fishman, it’s apparent
that the designers wanted to get the
“acoustic” part of the hybrid formula
down—without losing the shape, feel,
and electric tones that make tradition-
al Teles so player-friendly.
$1999.99 | fender.com
Legendary Buzz
The new RS Berkeley Jackie McLean Legends
Series Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece, developed in
collaboration with McLean’s son and fellow sax
player Rene, is designed to be an exact replica
of the model that the elder McLean used on
so many groundbreaking recordings. Features
include a .077” tip opening, bronze construc-
tion, and a natural finish. Like other products in
Berkeley’s Legends series, it’s made in the U.S.A.
$490 MSRP | rsberkeley.com
When Standup Is No Joke
Q: “How do you get a guitarist to turn down?” A: “Put a sheet
of music in front of him.” That oldie probably gets fewer embar-
rassed chuckles from jazz guitarists—a musically literate bunch,
comparatively speaking—and they may have the last laugh with
D&A Guitar Gear’s Hammerhead + Folding Music Stand. Built
to be stable onstage, its sheet music holder can be adapted to
support laptops and tablets. The portable unit also boasts an
attachment that lets it double as an instrument stand.
Price TBA | dnaguitargear.com
Reason on the Run
Propellerhead Software’s cross-platform
Reason has long been a popular suite
of electronic instruments for Mac and
PC users. With Reason Compact 2.0, the
company says its iOS version is evolving
“from a pocket synth [to] an advanced
pocket music studio” that lets users col-
laborate in real-time using Ableton Link
and integrate with other music apps using
Audiobus or Inter-app Audio. Additions
include a new Rytmik drum machine and
Monotone bass synth (which are also in
the latest version of the desktop Reason
10.4), all for a price you can’t beat.
Free | propellerheads.com