Nature - 15.08.2019

(Barré) #1

Article reSeArcH

Among the reported RyR2 sequences for CaM-binding^38 , residues
4247–4277 are invisible in our structure. The segment (residues 2023–
2039) that contains the protein kinase A phosphorylation site Ser2032
is resolved in our structures, but shows no interaction with CaM even
at high concentrations^39. The other two sequences (1942–1966 and
3582–3608) bind to CaM in our structures (Extended Data Fig. 10d).
Despite the distinct effects of apo-CaM on RyR1 and RyR2^14 , the
primary apo-CaM-binding sequences are invariant in these two
isoforms (Extended Data Fig. 10e). The molecular determinants for the
functional difference are yet to be revealed.
The inhibitory mechanisms by which CaM regulates RyR2 must be
investigated on an already opened channel by structural biology. As
the presence of micromolar-range Ca^2 + is required for opening ryan-
odine receptors by cryo-EM studies^30 –^32 ,^37 , it is impractical to obtain
an open structure in the absence of micromolar concentrations of
Ca^2 + (apo-CaM form). Although the location and conformation of
CaM-M appear identical to those of apo-CaM, it has previously been
reported that modulation of RyR2 by CaM-M is distinct from that by
apo-CaM^40 —although the mechanism needs to be investigated further.
Owing to extensive interactions between the U-motif and O-ring,
the two undergo coupled motions during channel gating^30 ,^37. The
presence of caffeine and ATP locks them into a more rigid structure,
probably increasing the energy barrier for inhibiting RyR2 by Ca^2 +-
CaM. By contrast, the PCB95- and Ca^2 +-activated RyR2 channel can be
effectively closed by Ca^2 +-CaM. Therefore, the gating state of RyR2 is
defined by the combined effect of competing stimulatory and inhibitory
regulators (Fig.  4 ). It remains to be investigated whether the conclusions
presented here can be recapitulated for other ryanodine receptor
isoforms or in lipid bilayers and the relevance to disease-related mutations
(Extended Data Fig. 10f, g).

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Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting summaries,
source data, extended data, supplementary information, acknowledgements, peer
review information; details of author contributions and competing interests; and
statements of data and code availability are available at

Received: 26 January 2019; Accepted: 4 June 2019;
Published online 5 July 2019.

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