Nature - 15.08.2019

(Barré) #1

Article reSeArcH

Extended Data Fig. 6 | Effect of RyR2 mutations on CaM regulation
of single RyR2 channels. a–e, Single-channel activities were recorded in
a symmetrical recording solution containing 250 mM KCl and 25 mM
HEPES, pH 7.4. Representative current traces of single RyR2(WT) (n = 9),
RyR2(Y2156A) (n = 8), RyR2(V3599A) (n = 7), RyR2(W3587A) (n = 8)
and RyR2(L3590A) (n = 9) channels are shown. The Ca^2 + concentration
on the cytoplasmic and luminal face of the channel was 440 nM and
around 45 nM, respectively. Open probability (Po), mean open time (To)

and mean closed time (Tc) of the same channel before and after addition
of CaM(WT) (1 μM) are depicted. Baselines are indicated by short bars on
the right. f, Percentages of inhibition of channel open probability by CaM.
Data are mean ± s.e.m. from single RyR2(WT) (n = 9), RyR2(Y2156A)
(n = 8), RyR2(V3599A) (n = 7), RyR2(W3587A) (n = 8) and
RyR2(L3590A) (n = 9) channels and analysed by one-way ANOVA with
a Dunnett’s post hoc test (versus RyR2(WT)) and adjusted P values are
indicated on the graph.
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