Cosmopolitan USA – September 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
ot even 24 hours after
our tearful breakup,
my ex had a fresh pro-
file up on OkCupid.
“Um, isn’t this
your guy?” my friend
texted, sending me
a screenshot of the
evidence. The dude
couldn’t even wait a
full business day to get
back out there?! Ugh,
it totally wrecked me.
After our final
good-bye convo, I pic-
tured myself spending
time self-reflecting. I’d
dip into two or three
emotional pizzas, sign
up for my first yoga
class, and slowly real-
ize some truths that
would make the mem-
ories of my ex fade
and my single, con-
fident vibes grow. It
would be so tragic, so
emo, so beautiful!
But cool, my ex
would be spending
this time grabbing
drinks with hot dates.
I immediately felt
like kindred spirits

they move on to the
next so fast that no
one notices they’ve
been burned.
On the flip side,
women are usually
urged to let it all out.
(Picture a post-Warner
Elle Woods with
mascara tears run-
ning down her face.)


do you

you move
on too

The dude couldn’t even
wait a full business day

to get back out there?!

“After a breakup,
I want to be
and validate my
ego by going
on dates. That
being said, my
first major
girlfriend still
crosses my mind
every couple of
that was almost
10 years ago.”

“I definitely
didn’t process
the breakup
faster than my
last female ex. It
took me about a
year or so to get
over it. To me,
there’s a part of
me that never
truly lets go of a

“As an extrovert,
I’ll rebound
pretty quickly.
That said, it’s
taken me a lot
of work in
therapy to
actually feel like
I’ve ‘gotten over’
learned from
them, and
moved on
—DAVID, 33

with Ariana Grande,
Anna Faris, Miranda
Lambert, and all the
other women who
have watched their
exes move on to new
relationships faster
than they could sign
them out of their
Hulu accounts. Like,
why??? Why do half
of all women take up
to three months to get
over a breakup, while
men just...seem fine
right away?

It’s because they think
it will help them get
over you.” And (atten-
tion: men) it probably
won’t. Another 2015
study by Binghamton
University and Uni-
versity College Lon-
don found that while
women report higher
levels of emotional
and physical pain
after a breakup, they

actually have an over-
all easier time recov-
ering. “Men, on the
other hand, never fully
do—they simply move
on,” wrote the study
authors. (And guess
who gets to deal with
that baggage? Yep,
their rebounds!)
I’m still stewing
over my ex replacing
me so easily. But if
science says it’s bet-
ter to admit that than
suppress it, my pizza
and I are gonna be
just fine.




Because guys have
been socialized not to
take heartbreak hard,
explains Jordan Madi-
son, a licensed mar-
riage therapist. Sure,
some may talk about it
while shooting hoops
with their friends or
sulk alone on their
couches, but most tend
to follow the “man up”
advice they’ve been
fed since childhood.
To preserve their egos,

Society has reinforced
that expressing our
feelings is our forte.
“We’re given the time
to mourn, cry, and
process our emotions,”
explains Madison.
So wait, should we
feel kind of...sorry for
guys? Their surface-
level fix def isn’t doing
them any favors, says
Jeannie Assimos,
chief of advice at
eHarmony. “Men are
more likely to rebound
with another woman,
but it’s not because
they didn’t love you.

September 2019 Cosmopolitan 83








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