Why have we not had a pay rise?
http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk AUGUST 2019 55
Is there
any truth
in this?
Are Gurkhas part of Nato picture?
Pictures: Graeme Main
Royal Gurkha Rifl es
training in Louisiana as
part of the Allied Rapid
Reaction Corps’ Support
Get it off your chest
and on social media
We examined mental resilience
training in the July issue
(page 44) and it was a topic of
hot debate on the
Army Facebook page.
Sylvia Valderrama
Great job ... it gives
the family peace of
mind and confi dence to know
that our British Army soldiers
are equipped to face their
mental challenges whether in
the fi eld or not. God bless.
John Sped
Rory Thomas, with
respect, perhaps the
Army has now learned that
mental resilience is another
key weapon in ensuring the
soldier is well trained to deal
with the stressful and highly
pressured situations they
fi nd themselves in. Perhaps
they’ve looked at the history
of those who have served in
previous generations and put
together something to give
soldiers another solution to
coping with the abnormal jobs
they have to carry out.
Stephen Paul
That’s another box
Rory Thomas
With respect, what
the **** is mental
resilience training? My
cousins who went to war in
WW2 never had it, neither did
my generation who served in
the 60s and 70s.
N YOUR Nato-themed issue in April you
refer to the Gurkhas as being part of the
British Armed Forces’ contribution to
that particular organisation.
It has always been my understanding
that these personnel were explicitly not
part of Nato.
I heard that this was the case when the
Gurkhas were deployed to the Falklands,
rather than another British Army regiment,
because the Service was close to being
unable to meet its Nato commitments.
Is there any truth to this, or is it an
urban myth? – Alan Bolland, Troon
Maj Shane Burton (RGR), Chief
of Staff, Headquarters Brigade of
Gurkhas, responds: The Brigade of
Gurkhas is an integral part of the
British Army and as such these troops
are indeed part of Nato.
Gurkha units have been deployed
as part of British Armed Forces
supporting numerous Nato
operations including Bosnia, Kosovo
and Afghanistan.
●AS WE hit the heights of summer is
there a logical and valid reason why we
have not yet had an increase in our pay?
The question of retention and
recruitment surfaces all the time, so
how about looking after the welfare of
soldiers in terms of a pay rise?
It can’t be that diffi cult – April 1
happens every year after all.
Perhaps it is a coincidence that it
is also April Fools’ Day? – Name and
address supplied
Maj Tony Frank, Allowances Policy,
Army Remuneration, Personnel
Policy (Army) replies: You should
have spoken to your administration
offi ce for advice.
The delay to the pay award has
been widely communicated and
has been the subject of numerous
messages on routine orders.
An announcement has just been
made on this matter (page 13),
and most soldiers will receive an
increase of 2.9 per cent as part of
a range of pay rises for the military
and civilian public sector workers.
55-sol-aug Talkback2.indd 1 25/07/2019 14:45