Modern Healthcare – August 12, 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

12 Modern Healthcare | August 12, 2019

By Maria Castellucci

Healthcare leaders

continue to overlook

assault, discrimination


“I don’t think the older men in leadership

positions respect me at fi rst glance.”


healthcare leaders who have been harassed or dis-
criminated against in the workplace at some point
in their careers. Th eir feedback was part of a Mod-
ern Healthcare survey that found 26% of the nearly 1,
participants experienced workplace sexual harassment and
about 32% have experienced gender discrimination.
Th e survey also found many organizations ignore the
problem. Of the respondents who experienced harassment
or discrimination, 35% said no action was taken when they
reported it to their employer.
Th e survey, released at the 9th annual Women Leaders in
Healthcare conference, included responses from 911 work-
ers in leadership positions across the industry. About 75%
of the respondents were women and 45% said they worked

“Several other women warned me

never to be alone with this person.”

“I was ultimately fi red because the harassment

came from the COO.”

“I quit my job. I knew rape would be next.”

in a hospital setting.
While research on the prevalence of harassment in
healthcare is sparse, it’s a well-known issue that hasn’t been
adequately addressed by leader-
ship, said Dr. Timothy Johnson, a
professor of women studies at the
University of Michigan who has
researched sexual harassment in
academic medical centers.
“One of the biggest issues is
that people don’t recognize the
degree of the problem and the
fact that it has a real impact on
women,” he said. “It hasn’t been
on the radar of CEOs and hospi-

About a quarter of
female healthcare
leaders have
workplace sexual
harassment and many
said nothing was done
when it was reported
to leadership.
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