August 12, 2019 | Modern Healthcare 13
tal administrators.”
Johnson said he wasn’t sur-
prised by Modern Healthcare’s
findings and actually expect-
ed the numbers to be slightly
higher, suggesting that under-
reporting is likely at play. There
is a clear power structure in
hea lt hca re t hat a l lows ha rassment a nd assau lt to breed, he
said, adding, “You have a hierarchical power differential
where senior people prey on junior people.”
Even so, there are signs the culture is improving,
albeit slightly. Younger women who responded to the sur-
vey were less likely to report experiencing sexual harass-
ment than older woman. Nearly 19% of women ages 18
Said they did
not report it.
have experienced sexual
in the workplace
have witnessed sexual
in the workplace
Of the 320 written responses to the questions of what was
done to address the incidents of gender discrimination
or sexual harassment they experienced or witnessed... Said nothing
was done.
Gender discrimination and harassment quantified
have experienced
gender discrimination
in the workplace
have witnessed
gender discrimination
in the workplace
Percentage reporting they:
Source: Modern Healthcare research and Modern Healthcare Metrics
to 34 said they’ve been subjected to sexual harassment,
which is lower than the 26% of women ages 35 and older
who said they were harassed.
Several factors likely contribute to this contrast including
changing cultural norms, the rise of women in medicine
and growing awareness about the importance of diversity
and inclusion.
“Maybe it’s a sign of progress,” said Candice Saunders,
CEO of WellStar Health System, during a panel at the Wom-
en Leaders in Healthcare conference. She recalled that at
the beginning of her 40-year career a man asked her to get
him a cup of coffee before she was supposed to present at a
management meeting.
The #MeToo movement raised more awareness about t he
issue as well. Kety Duron, chief human resources officer at
See more results
from our survey
examining gender
bias and workplace
harassment in Data
Points, p. 33.
“One of the men looked over at me
and said, ‘Would you mind getting me
a cup of coffee?’ ... I’m not sure what
he thought my role was, but he didn’t
think I would be presenting.”
Candice Saunders
WellStar Health System