Los Angeles Times - 02.08.2019

(singke) #1


1 Center of the Milky
8 Calder creation
15 First state, in a way
16 Journey’s end
17 Cricket
19 Once, in olden days
20 2000 Bell Atlantic
21 Slashed pronoun
22 Suspect
25 Cricket
33 Seed-to-be
34 LAX calculation
35 Energy source
36 They might help you
change your position
39 Prepare for coating, as
41 Within: Pref.
42 Land of Freud: Abbr.
44 Scrooge
45 Cricket
49 Beat by a hair
50 Wheat species that’s
also a British past tense
54 Article in Bonn
55 Fraternity activity
59 [Crickets]
63 Like answers that lower
test scores
64 Pre-owned item
65 Top-rated TV show of
66 WWII vessels

1 Source of tweets ... or
2 Defunct fruit coating
3 Barrels into
4 Help the bad guys
5 Big mouth
6 Political refugee
7 Barista’s output
8 Understood
9 Start to cycle?
10 Many a Middle-earth
11 Eco-friendly carrier
12 Composer Charles
13 Plastering strip
14 Other than this
18 1946 Literature Nobelist

22 __ bargain
23 Sports gp. that
originally had “Lawn” in
its name
24 Nasty
25 Knocked the socks off
26 Grand Prince of
Moscow, 1328-’40
27 Litters’ littlest
28 John of music
29 “Barbarella” director
30 Formal identification
31 Deceive
32 Board at one’s
37 How “The Banana Boat
Song” begins
38 Fills in
40 Drop
43 Soft leather
46 Takes the stage
47 Becomes harder to
48 Legal scholar
50 Came out with
51 Inconsequential

52 Early banishment site
53 Pre-Euro currency
55 Start from scratch
56 Donald, to Huey, Dewey
and Louie
57 “Get lost!”
58 “... nor shall ever see
that face of __ again”:
60 Excluding
61 Shout
62 Syr. neighbor




BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Jeffrey Wechsler © 2019 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
Following your curiosity will
get you close to understand-
ing a person’s feelings, pas-
sions and drives.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): Doubts set in. Does
what you’re doing matter? Is
it adding up the way you
wanted it to? Avoid. March
right past it.
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
Taking on certain responsi-
bilities has become a com-
pulsion for you. You can’t not
volunteer. This job was
meant for you.
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
It feels nice to be under-
stood, but being misunder-
stoodis better for you. It
makes you work harder.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
Cultivating your aura and
then turning that vision out-
ward is not going to work in
your busy life. Calmly
breathe through life’s incon-

Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):
You have something differ-
ent to give, and though they
might not realize it right
away, your contribution is as
vital as anyone’s.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
With your incredibly opulent
powers of imagination surg-
ing today, you can apply
yourself in any number of di-
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
There will be many people
and personalities to contend
with, each with their own
agenda. Settle on an itiner-
ary you can all agree to.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): It will be fun to
spend time with the light-
hearted friends who know
how to keep the party sailing
along in any sort of weather.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): Following through on an
impulse takes courage. Not
following through takes self-
control. Knowing which
choice to make in this regard
takes wisdom.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.

18): Expecting some manner
of reward from things is just
smart. And knowing the na-
ture of that rewardis even
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): People will be drawn in
by your complexity, and your
mysterious ways will attract
Today’s birthday(Aug.
2): The bump in status that
is your cosmic birthday gift
is rather exciting, may make
you smile and certainly will
make you sweat, as keeping
this elevation takes work.
Just remember that status is
not the only way to power,
which is something you al-
ready possess. A special re-
lationship will bring light-
ness to your realm. Aries and
Taurus adore you. Your
lucky numbers are: 4, 31, 20,
45 and 18.

Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

Fuzzy thinking on de-
fense is a disorder from
which many players suffer. A
good defender distinguishes
the times when he needs fast
tricks from those when he
can relax and wait.
Today’s South slightly
misjudged the auction. East
would go down one at four
hearts, so South’s five dia-
monds was wrong — but
only in theory. In practice,
East took the queen of
hearts and tried to cash the
South ruffed, lost a
trump to the ace, ruffed the
next heart, drew trumps and
ran the clubs to pitch
spades. Making five.
West’s leap to four hearts
was preemptive, so East
couldn’t expect to cash a sec-

ond heart.
To prevail, he needs a
spade trick quickly, before
South draws trumps and
uses the clubs. (East can
visualize 11 winners for
South: six diamonds, four
clubs, one spade.)
At Trick Two East must
lead a spade. When West’s
king forces out dummy’s ace,
East cashes the queen when
he takes the ace of trumps.
Question: You hold: ♠6 5
3 ♥ 7 ♦K Q 10 8 6 4 2 ♣10 6. You
deal and open three dia-
monds. The next player bids
three hearts, and your part-
ner doubles. The player at
your right passes. What do
you say?
Answer: This is no prob-
lem. You should pass with-
out a second look at your
hand. Your preempt de-
scribed your hand, more or
less, and your partner is in

charge. You promised no de-
fense, but he thinks he can
beat three hearts and may
have it beaten several tricks.
Trust him.
North dealer
N-S vulnerable

♠A J 10
♥J 9 4
♦J 7 5
♣A K Q J
♠K 9 8 4 ♠Q 7 2
♥10 8 5 2 ♥A K Q 6 3
♦None ♦A 9 3
♣8 7 4 3 2 ♣9 5
♠6 5 3
♥ 7
♦K Q 10 8 6 4 2
♣10 6
1 NT 2 ♥ 3 ♦ 4 ♥
Pass Pass 5 ♦ All Pass

Opening lead — ♥ 2

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy: My husband
and I recently bought a
Our next-door neighbor
had been close friends with
the man who had owned our
house for 30 years. This
neighbor was used to tres-
passing on our property.
We do not want this.
During renovations,
whenever we had workers at
our house, he would come
over and tell them how he
wanted the work done.
We stopped this by telling
the workers not to pay atten-
tion to him and giving the
workers directions about
how we wanted the work
done. We instructed them to
ask him to leave the proper-
ty. He did not like this.
This morning I saw him
trespass onto our property
and spray industrial-
strength weed killer onto
our grass (which does not
have weeds). We have rela-
tives, friends and pets who
because of health issues can-
not be near weed killer.
I told him to get off my
property. He said I was rude.
I am ready to go to the police
the next time he trespasses.
This person is an intru-
sive bully and a sneak.
How do you handle some-
one who does not get the
message to stay off our prop-
Upset Homeowners

Dear Upset:Your neighbor
might be experiencing cog-
nitive changes, brain illness,
or decline. The weed killer
episode is one clue that all
might not be well with him,
mainly because it seems ir-
rational. Either that, or he is
—as you claim — an intru-
sive bully (or possibly both).
Afence clearly delineat-
ing your property line would
be a good investment. You
should also consider in-
stalling anoutdoor security
Remember that he has 30
years of behavior to undo. If
he continues to trespass,
you may have to follow
through and get the police

Dear Amy:I have a “port
wine stain” birthmark,
about the size of your fist, on
the back of my thigh. Since
it’s covered by clothing 90%
of the time(and since I’m 68
and well past obsessing over
having a pageant-ready
swimsuit bod,) it’s rarely a
However, I’m about to go
on a beach vacation, where I
expect to put on a swimsuit.
How can I respond to the
eeeewww-level comments
from people seeing my birth-
mark for the first time?
Friend: “[Gasp!] What
happened to your leg?”

Me: “Oh, it’s just a birth-
Friend: “Are you SURE?”
I’m hoping you can sup-
ply me with some responses
that will not seem rude or
overly sensitive, but will re-
inforce the wisdom of re-
fraining from any comment
on a person’s body. (Except,
“You look great!”)
Not Stained

Dear Not Stained: You
have been dealing with this
your whole life, and you are
in a better position than I to
cope with these comments,
rebuff them, or respond to
I agree that any comment
about your birthmark, cer-
tainly along the “eeee-
wwww” spectrum, is not wel-
come, but this mark is on the
back of your thigh. Some
people — fearing that it
might be a recent bruise, in-
jury, or sign of illness —
might assume that you can-
not/have never seen it.
I agree that you should
respond: “Oh, it’s a birth-
mark. Don’t worry about it.”
If someone presses you
on this and you want to mess
with them, you can respond,
“Oh, did I say it’s a birth-
mark? I mean it’s a tattoo.”

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


Our trespassing neighbor

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