Los Angeles Times - 06.08.2019

(Darren Dugan) #1


1 Cuba, por ejemplo
5 Uncanny
10 Hard-to-describe
14 Évian evening
15 Levels of society
16 A party to
17 Facial feature
with a bridge
18 MI5 headquarters
named for a London
20 From Canada’s capital
22 Genre that represents
things as they are
23 TV show intro tune
26 Asian kebab
27 “Who wants my
jellyfish? / I’m not
sellyfish!” poet
28 Seeker of “the way”
31 Door hardware
33 Amount defined by a
small sewing gadget
37 Play a part (in)
38 Boardroom VIP
40 The Beatles’ “__ Mine”
41 Santa __ winds
42 Boss Tweed’s
46 Splash sound
47 On the same
48 Meticulous to a fault
50 Humana rival
53 Pushed-in bulletin
board hardware
57 Stars and __
60 Dragster, e.g.
61 Bouquet garni bunch
64 Maggie Simpson’s sister
65 Avatar of Vishnu
66 Chef ’s array
67 Browse (through)
68 What “lama” has, as
opposed to “llama”
69 Implant (in)
70 Type of prof.

1 Childish comeback
2 Truth, to Shakespeare
3 Hears out
4 Tourist’s guide
5 Prefix with centric
6 Historic time span
7 Los Angeles NFLer
8 Old Roman road

9 Let up
10 Break, as laws
11 Aleut relative
12 __ nova: Brazilian dance
13 Foe
15 Hidden loot
19 Red tape, e.g.
21 Director Craven
24 Utmost degree
25 Moo goo __ pan
29 Fail to include
30 “Big Blue”
31 Bowler or derby
32 Otto’s “Oh!”
33 Theater award named
after Antoinette Perry
34 Misconceptions
35 Game with Wild Draw
Four cards
36 Drink like a cat
38 Savory finger food
39 Wits’ end?
43 Least possible
44 Tiny army crawler
45 It might be elementary:
46 Kneecap
48 Stockpile
49 “Will & Grace” network

50 The Jetsons’ dog
51 Wharton’s “__ Frome”
52 “I’m almost afraid to tell
you” response
54 Encouraged
55 Barcelona abodes
56 Cheez Whiz maker
58 In __: existing
59 Inbox annoyance
62 Spice mix for ribs
63 Limited-life




BLISS By Harry Bliss


Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.


ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson


By Craig Stowe © 2019 Tribune Content Agency

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly


Aries(March 21-April 19):
A belief might be life-chang-
ing, but who knows? Action
is what matters.
Taurus (April 20-May
20): You will be visited by a
muse, either your regular
trusty inspiration source or
a new spring of efferves-
Gemini(May 21-June 21):
How self-directed are you?
You’ll notice that the best
actions to take today will be
the ones you order up for
Cancer(June 22-July 22):
It is easy to undervalue your
own skill set when no one
around you understands
what you do. Work on skills
that cross over into many
areas, such as social skills.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):
Check the group to see if
there’s anyone who knows
more than you do about how
to proceed. If not, go for it.
Virgo(Aug. 23-Sept. 22):

You’ll learn through obser-
vation, not involvement.
When you’re not sure you
can make things better,
leave no trace.
Libra(Sept. 23-Oct. 23):
Don’t help people who don’t
value your help. Your efforts
are wasted in this regard be-
cause people don’t take help
that they didn’t pay for in
some way.
Scorpio(Oct. 24-Nov. 21):
The one who follows through
on an instinct to protect and
care for others is strong,
powerful and built to lead.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-
Dec. 21): When you’re not
participating, people won-
der where you are, what
you’re doing, who you’re
with. Check in, if only to stop
them from obsessing.
Capricorn(Dec. 22-Jan.
19): You’ll summon your
courage and do the thing you
were afraid to do. This will
feel good, somewhere be-
tween relief and liberation.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb.
18): Unless you’ve taken a

vow to obey orders and fol-
low instructions, you’d do
well to second-guess and an-
alyze the commands issued
in your direction.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March
20): There are those who
provide tension just to
watch people strain under it.
It lets them know they are in
charge. What’s your move?
Today’s birthday(Aug.
6): A theme emerges having
to do with a vivid awareness
of living. You’ll figure out ex-
actly what’s needed for you
to feel joyously alive. Vitality
often hinges on your envi-
ronment and the people
around you, or, as the case
may be, not around you. You
need quite a lot of solo time
for reflection and growth. Li-
bra and Sagittarius adore
you. Your lucky numbers
are: 7, 20, 1, 28 and 27.

Holiday Mathis writes her
column for Creators
Syndicate Inc. The
horoscope should be read
for entertainment.


By Holiday Mathis

Few chess masters have
also been adept at bridge.
Samuel Reshevsky, an
American grandmaster,
tried bridge. He learned the
basics of bidding and play,
but because his mind was
oriented to abstract analy-
sis, the personal element of
bridge was beyond his grasp.
Some dummy-play prob-
lems mirror chess; declarer
must look several moves
ahead. In today’s deal, West
leads a heart against 3NT.
(Six diamonds would be a
fair spot.) Declarer has am-
ple winners, but if he plays
low from dummy, East may
win and shift to a damaging
Say South takes the ace
of hearts, unblocks dum-
my’s ace of clubs and contin-

ues with the A-Q of dia-
monds. East will play low,
and then South can’t untan-
gle all his tricks and will fail.
South must time the play
perfectly. To handle his en-
try problems, he leads the
queen of diamonds at Trick
Three and, when East ducks,
the jack next. If East ducks
again, South leads a heart.
He is sure of three dia-
monds, two hearts, a spade
and three clubs.
Question: You hold: ♠A 4
2 ♥Q 4 ♦9 8 2 ♣K Q 7 4 2. Your
partner opens one heart,
you bid two clubs and he re-
bids two hearts. What do you
Answer: Partner isn’t ex-
pecting you to pass after you
responded in a new suit at
the two level. A bid of 2NT
(despite your weak dia-
monds) or a raise to three
hearts (hoping he has a

strong suit) is acceptable. In
a style where a response of
two clubs would force to
game, you would have re-
sponded 1NT with this hand.
North dealer
N-S vulnerable

♠8 6 3
♥A J 7
♦A Q J 10 5 3
♠K 7 5 ♠Q J 10 9
♥10 8 5 3 2 ♥K 9 6
♦None ♦K 7 6 4
♣10 8 6 5 3 ♣J 9
♠A 4 2
♥Q 4
♦9 8 2
♣K Q 7 4 2
1 ♦ Pass 2♣ Pass
3 ♦ Pass 3 NT All Pass

Opening lead — ♥ 3

Tribune Media Services


By Frank Stewart

Dear Amy:I am a man in
my 60s, happily married for
31 years. We have two won-
derful young-adult sons. I
am also estranged from my
elderly parents and my one
younger sibling, a brother.
I grew up with an alco-
holic, physically abusive fa-
ther and a cold, distant and
critical mother.
I left home as soon as I
graduated from high school
and have always lived at
least 2,000 miles away from
My brother became an al-
coholic. I too had issues with
substance abuse and made
poor relationship choices as
a young man.
Through counseling,
some difficult interior work
(and a lot of grace), I found a
better way to live than how I
was raised.
I married an amazing
woman, and we created a
family and home that is a
place of joy and healing for
me to this day.
It has been 15 years since I
have seen my parents. I do
not miss them. I have gotten
random letters from them
over the years, questioning
my mental health, accusing
me of being an elder abuser,
and of being ungrateful and
unforgiving. I mostly ignore
their letters.
I don’t know what I
should do when one of them

dies. I wish them no harm,
but when it does happen, I
imagine it will be more of a
relief for me than a time of
Part of me would want to
see them buried just to have
some kind of closure, but
when I think about attend-
ing the funeral, I imagine it
being unpleasant. Any ad-
Estranged Son

Dear Estranged:You de-
serve huge credit for cre-
ating a life for yourself and
your children that was the
opposite of what you re-
ceived in childhood. Hard
work meets grace indeed!
However, I believe in
showing up, even when you
suspect the experience
might be painful. That’s
where grace comes in. If you
show up with an attitude of
humility (and minimal ex-
pectations for how others
will behave), you will say
goodbye and perhaps also
find the grace to move
toward forgiveness for both
the dead and the surviving

Dear Amy: My husband
and I celebrated our 40th
wedding anniversary with a
wonderful invitation-only
My friend of 23 years
showed up with her sister

(whom I know but did not in-
My friend had a Tiffany
gift bag, which she placed on
the gift table.
Later that evening, I
opened the gifts.
Inside the Tiffany bag
were two anniversary cards
and a small salt and pepper
shaker set shaped like pigs,
which my friend purchased
while on a recent vacation (I
used to collect pigs but told
everyone years ago that I no
longer do).
I returned the gift and
Tiffany bag to her, telling her
I had no use for this.
Is it OK to bring a $2 gift
to a special occasion in a
Tiffany’s gift bag?

Dear Upset:This Tiffany
gift bag has really been a
trigger for you.
Yes, it is OK to use a
Tiffany gift bag to house
other gifts, but your (pre-
sumably now ex) friend cre-
ated an obvious fiction by
using the bag and then in-
sulted you with what was in-
side. That is not cool.
It was rude of you to re-
turn the gift, but in this case,
the disrespect may be pro-

Send questions to Amy
Dickinson by email to ask
[email protected].


A survivor seeks closure

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