Artist’s Back to Basic – July 2019

(Martin Jones) #1

routine. I must do it to stay sane. I
have a short attention span and lots
of time on my hands, so I must keep
on with the pursuit of ‘The Mystery’.
All artists understand this because
we have been born with an urge
to create things – images – visual
lovelies that make us feel good.
When we work we hope to discover
new richness within us; riches of
creativity that make our existence
worthwhile. ‘The Mystery’ is our
potential to make real whatever is
deeply embedded in our minds

  • or concepts from the ether – in
    a million different ways. It’s an
    inexhaustible fund of fun, challenge,
    defeat, exhilaration, fatigue,
    devotedness, and exploration.
    I teach private art lessons in
    clay sculpture, pottery, painting
    and drawing; and I welcome my
    guest students into our home-stay
    artistic retreat: Fired Art Retreat.
    My partner grows healthy organic
    vegetables from our garden and
    I cook meals to suit our guests.
    It works well. I have enjoyed an
    interesting few years of working with
    people from all walks of life and
    from many countries, learning how
    to tap into their artistic abilities.
    It is a self indulgent, seemingly
    indolent life – but when I review
    the work accomplished through
    the years, I see the evolution of
    my eye and where I am now ...
    compared to the earlier times.
    It’s a long, long journey to
    unpack ‘The Mystery’.
    Maybe one day I will get to
    the bottom of it. I hope not.

Detailed information about Sally
Hook’s beautiful Fired Art Gallery
and Retreat near Nambucca
Heads can be found on the
website: n

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