The Astrological e Magazine – July 2019

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something bigger. What we do not want is a co-sine
wave of negative amplitude. In Vedic astrology the
th house is called a maraka which means “killer.”
If our relationships do not work, they literally kill

becomes a place where we have developed enough
that in personal love and happiness we yearn for
integrating “the other” into our life, to play duets
together and sometimes something magical happens:
we experience a sine wave amplification into a
beautiful tango. More often than not and more
realistically, we can get irritating nails scraping
against a black board. The irritation should force
us to grow if we can learn acceptance learning to
tolerate and compromise.

The 7th house is about
learning compromise
wherein two people
come together to create
something better

then my life would be better. This process can go on
for years. We want others to change but we have to
change and accept the other or be miserable. We may
quick sand where love slowly die. This brand of
love is in fact meant for the 12th house where we
give up our personal ambitions to raise our family
and continue the lineage.

If your partner provokes a strong emotional response,
they are beckoning hither the shadow dance to
discover your own imperfections. The key is to invite
them into your life creating a personal scavenger hunt
to discover ones subjective imperfections. Embrace
and celebrate the complaints, have fun on the hunt.

In Vedic astrology
the 7th house is called
a maraka which
means “killer.” If our
relationships do not
work, they literally kill
us and create deep

$QRWKHUVHFUHWRIWKHth house is let go of being too
critical. Venus is debilitated in Virgo because Venus’s
loving nature gets lost in analyzing and being too
picky. Remember to hold complaints at an arm’s
length and decide what is happening in the other
person that is pushing your own negative self-talk.
imperfections by seeing your partner in a mirror
while praising and accepting them. Our only true
Soul mate is our own Soul.

7KHth house beckons us into the Land of Oz. It is a
riveting remote place of dreams and hopes suggesting
rousing foreign territory. It is a place of opposites
and if we do not embrace the delight of that distant
exact carbon copy. We have to remember that we all
have wonderful and challenging sides. Taurus rising
may enjoy the mystery of the depth of Scorpio’s
passion but will eventually get frightened by the
dark brooding intensity and its secrets. A Capricorn
woman may be uplifted by the nurturing sensitivity of
her Cancerian man until his childish lunar side comes
to the forefront and is stuck with a childish frog
musicians but then quickly realize they cannot deal
with the chaotic, impractical dreaming that goes with
see the heads side but you will eventually see the
hidden tails side of the coin. Unless you accept both,
is in their imperfections and your own imperfections
that the Divine rejoices in its diversity.



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