Health & Fitness UK – September 2019

(avery) #1




It’s something yogis have known for
years and now research proves it’s
true – yoga helps keep your mind
and body young as you age.
Researchers from the University
of Edinburgh analysed findings of
22 clinical trials on the physical and
mental benefits of yoga in healthy,
older adults. Results, published
in the International Journal of
Behavioural Nutrition and Physical
Activity, showed that yoga not only
improved limb strength and
flexibility, it also improved sleep,
reduced depression and boosted
energy. Yoga was found to be more
effective than other light exercise,
such as walking, at increasing
lower-body strength and improving
mood. Start today and protect
your future health!

p12 Fit notebook Running with friends p14 Fit-proof your summer Keep fit
on your hols with seven on-the-go tips from the experts p16 10-minute tone up
Get in shape with this speedy resistance-band workout

WORDS: Mary Comber PHOTOGRAPHY: iStock

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