Health & Fitness UK – September 2019

(avery) #1
Try nicer ices
Summer wouldn’t be summer without ice
cream. But if you can’t stop till you finish
the tub, you’ll be pleased to hear there’s
a whole new range of fab, healthy ice
creams that are well worth checking out.
Most contain fibres such as resistant
corn starch, along with bulky natural
sweeteners such as erythritol or xylitol,
producing a creamy sweet texture with
a fraction of the sugar and saturated fat. Two of our
favourites are Oppo Ice Raspberry Nipple, £4.99 for
475ml; (for dairy consumers) and Perfect
World Mint Choc Chip, £4.49 for 500ml (for vegans) with
67 and 79 calories, respectively, per two scoops. One
small caution – don’t over do these ice creams if you
have IBS, as the fibre and sweetener ingredients are
fermentable by gut bacteria, producing gas.

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●100ml Greek yoghurt
●150ml vanilla yoghurt
●1 tsp vanilla bean paste
●1 punnet blueberries
●1 lemon
●Pinch of salt
●4 tsp sugar

1 Mix the blueberries with the Greek yoghurt and 3 tsp
sugar. Add the juice and zest from the lemon.
2 Put the mixture in the freezer for around 30 mins until
slightly stiff.
3 Mix the vanilla yoghurt, bean paste, salt and remaining
tsp sugar in a bowl.
4 Take the blueberry mix and fold it into your vanilla mix.
Once combined, place in the freezer for an hour.


It’s easy to make
your own, healthy
ice cream

Tr y


●4 tbsp extra virgin oil
●2 shallots chopped
●500g cherry tomatoes
●½ tsp chilli flakes
●3 to 4 flat-leaf parsley sprigs, plus extra
to serve
●750g mussels
●100ml dry white wine
●350g hand-shaped pasta, cooked
and drained

1 Heat the oil in a large sauté pan and add the
shallots, tomatoes, chilli flakes and flat-leaf
parsley sprigs.
2 Stir in the muscles and
white wine, cover and
cook for 10 mins,
stirring once.
3 Once the muscles have
opened and the tomatoes
popped, taste and season.
4 Toss in the cooked pasta
and a little pasta cooking
water if needed (it should
be brothy).
5 Divide into serving bowls,
sprinkle with the chopped
parsley and drizzle with
olive oil to serve.


Spice it up

Researchers at Université Laval, in
Quebec, Canada, reveal a Mediterranean-
style eating plan with a sprinkling of chilli hits
the sweet spot for weight loss. The capsaicin in
chilli boosts metabolism, adding to the other
benefits of the Med-style diet. If you want to try it,
aim for four servings each day of fruit and veg,
plus 20 grams of fibre from whole grains, healthy
fats such as nuts and olive oil, and lean protein
at every meal – plus as much chilli as you
enjoy! A study in the British Journal of
Nutrition found eating this way
helped people successfully
lose weight.



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