Health & Fitness UK – September 2019

(avery) #1





For variety, swap the
chicken for any firm white
fish or prawns. Or make
it veggie by swapping the
chicken for chickpeas
or butterbeans.
611 calories, 25g fat (16g
saturated fat), 27g protein,
6g fibre, 68g carbs (6g
sugar), 0.2g salt
Serves: 4

●●300g brown rice
●●1 tbsp vegetable oil
●●1 onion, chopped
●●3 cloves garlic, peeled
●●2.5cm piece of fresh
root ginger, peeled
●●Zest and juice of 1 lime
●●30g fresh coriander
●●½-1 chilli (to taste)
●●4 skinless, boneless
chicken thighs, chopped
into bite-sized pieces
●●200g chestnut
mushrooms, sliced
●●1 × 400ml can of
coconut milk
●●4 tsp cornflour
●●200g green beans
●●Black pepper


Cook the rice according
to the instructions on
the back of the packet.


Meanwhile, place the
vegetable oil, onion,
garlic, ginger, lime zest and
juice, coriander and chilli
in a food processor with
some black pepper. Whizz
until smooth.


Place a heavy-based
saucepan over a medium
heat, add the paste and
cook for 3-4 minutes,
stirring so it doesn’t burn
or stick. Add the chicken
pieces and mushrooms, and
continue to cook for 3-4
minutes, until golden. Pour
in the coconut milk and
200ml water.


Combine the cornflour
with 2 tablespoons
of water in a small bowl,
then pour this into the pan,
stirring well. Bring to a gentle
simmer, reduce the heat
and cook for 10 minutes,
until the chicken is cooked
through and the sauce
has thickened.


Finally, add the green
beans and cook for a
final 2-3 minutes. Serve in
bowls with the brown rice.

Save Money Lose weight by Dr Ranj
Singh is published by Bantam Press.
Price £14.99. Recipes by Georgina
Davies. Photography by ITV Studios,
Colin Bell and Twofour Broadcast.

●●Label the snacks/drinks you find
hard to resist with the correct portion
size along with the amount of exercise
needed to burn off that portion.
●●Have a break of 15-20 minutes after
your meal and before dessert. It takes
time for your brain to recognise that
your stomach is full.

●●Create a place for healthy snacks
and fruit – fill a bowl with them and
place it somewhere highly visible
in your kitchen. This will help you
avoid temptation.
●●We all have rituals when we eat
treats, such movie night or Sunday
roast. Think about how you want to

experience these occasions without
derailing your diet.
●●Have plenty of food storage boxes
to hand to carry lunches and snacks
on the go. You don’t need to buy new
storage boxes, recycle what you
already have – from yoghurt pots to
sour cream containers and butter tubs.
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