Health & Fitness UK – September 2019

(avery) #1


here’s nothing like a
sunny day to inspire you
outdoors for a run. Free
from the burden of layers
and with the warm wind
in your hair, summer running can be
a joyful experience. But, exercising
in the heat can bring challenges for
your body – not only is it a sweaty,
thirst-inducing affair, research
shows a rise in temperature of just
three degrees can affect running
performance. Without the proper
precautions, overheating hampers
your speed and distance, and can
lead to heat exhaustion. The good
news is, with the right kit and a few
clever tactics, you can make running
a breeze, however hot it is outdoors.

They don’t just look cool, sunglasses
can improve your running performance.
Squinting into the sun makes your body
tense up, which can hamper your form
and stamina. A good pair of sports
sunglasses will relax your eyes and your
running style. And, of course, there’s
the added UV protection, too – a must if
you’re outdoors for extended periods.
Look for running-specific eyewear from
reputable brands. Ensure it’s lightweight
and a good fit; wraparound styles will
shield your eyes more and keep out
pollen. If you’re doing longer runs, look
for ventilation to reduce any fogging.

TRY THIS: Kalenji Trail 900 Adult’s
Photochromatic Cat 1 to 3, £24.99,

It’s time to ditch those cotton
T-shirts. Making the switch to a
high-tech top can revolutionise
your summer runs. Cotton
and other non-wicking fabrics
cause sweat to condense on
your body, which can lead
to overheating. Breathable
garments wick sweat away
from your body and out
through the fabric where they
evaporate to keep you
deliciously cool.
Sweating can cause
blisters and chafing
so choose moisture-
wicking fabrics for
your socks and use a
sweat-resistant lube
for trouble spots such
as under bra straps.

Seamless Bra,
Kalenji Run Light
Women’s Running
T-Shirt, £7.99,

‘If you get dizziness,
headaches or cramp,
stop and seek shade’



your runs

Does your running performance
fall as the mercury rises? Here’s
how to stay on track in the
hotter months
Free download pdf