Brainspace – July 2019

(C. Jardin) #1
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What causes the BOOM noise!
The sonic boom is caused by the sudden release of a large
energy mass into the air. The air expands faster than the
speed of sound and creates a shock wave. KABOOM!

What causes the different colours?
It’s all about the metal salts. If you throw table salt on a campfire
the flame will burn a bright yellow. The facing chart explains which
compounds are burned to generate blue, red, purple and other colours.
The bright sparkles in fireworks come from burning small bits of
iron (FE) filings. Iron is the fourth most common element in our
planet Earth’s crust. It’s also cool to know that iron in your blood is
what makes your blood able to carry oxygen throughout your body.

Why are fireworks smoky

and smelly?
Black powder is the activator in most fireworks. Fireworks
are made of potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur. The
white smoke that you see in the sky after the firework has
exploded is made of water vapour. The combustion heats
the water that is present in the air and it vaporizes around
the black powder’s potassium and sulfur particulates.
Sulfur smells likes eggs when it burns.
Use Zappar. Scan the picture
for a fireworks display.
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