InsightsCare – July 2019

(Romina) #1
corn Biolabs is a healthcare technology company


focused on giving every human being the best
chance to experience more healthy years with its
easy, affordable and non-invasive live cell collection,
analysis, and cryopreservation service.

Acorn provides a live cell collection service and a
subscription storage model that keeps consumer’s live cells
cryopreserved as a healthcare resource for as long as they
need it. Preserving live cells also unlocks a vast world of
data and genetics on an ongoing basis so that consumers
have in Acorn a healthcare partner for life. Acorn also offers
live cell collection, cryopreservation and genetic analysis

Why Acorn Biolabs?

  • Acorn Freezes the Clock On Your Cells.
    The urgency around collecting, preserving and storing
    youthful cells for future use is real and freezing the clock
    on your cells today will ensure you can leverage them later
    when you need them most. Acorn preserves your youngest,
    best cells today to ready you for the future of regenerative
    medicine tomorrow.

  • Acorn Unlocks the Future of Regenerative Medicine for
    Till now, stem cell collection has been expensive, invasive
    and painful through bone marrow harvesting, liposuction,
    blood draws and umbilical cord banking. More recent DNA
    home testing kits only captured dead cells from saliva that
    are unusable in cell therapy. Acorn gives a live cell
    collection that is accessible, affordable and viable for
    regenerative medicine through the simple non-invasive
    plucking of a few hairs from your head. This makes the
    future of regenerative medicine, genetics and powerful stem
    cell therapy accessible to everyone.

About the Passionate and Sporty Leader

Dr. Drew Taylor is the Co-founder and Chief Executive
Officer at Acorn Biolabs. Being a Biologist and a former
professional athlete, Drew has charted his path across
molecular cell biology, science and baseball with steadfast
passion over his career. He completed an undergraduate
degree in Biology at the University of Michigan and a
Masters from the same school in Molecular, Cellular, and
Developmental Biology. He also holds a PhD with the
University of Toronto in Biomedical Engineering. Drew has
enjoyed a successful career in professional minor league

baseball as a pitcher for both the Toronto Blue Jays and the
Philadelphia Phillies, charting parallel paths across both
professional sports and science.

Prior to joining Acorn, Drew spent several years as Chief
Science Officer at Epic Capital Management working
across the flourishing biotech start-up community. Also,
prior to that he was a part of the Mount Sinai Hospital
Bioengineering of Skeletal Tissues Team. He has been
widely published across international medical journals with
specific focus on tissue engineering and sports medicine.

Story behind the Inception

It all started when Dr. Drew met Steven Ten Holder and
Patrick Pumputis, the other Co-founders of Acorn Biolabs,
while Drew was the Chief Science Officer with Epic
Capital. Prior to Epic Capital he had been involved with a
medical team researching using cell therapy and
regenerative medicine for orthopedics. Seeing first-hand
how older cells were not as successful as younger cells in
replacing cartilage led him to feel there had to be a solution.
Meeting Patrick and Steven in many ways felt very much
like serendipity as they compared notes. Together they
quickly realized that Steven, who had been researching cell
division and how technology could be leveraged in
longevity; combined with Patrick’s research focus on cell
nutrition and preservation; with Drew’s background in
emerging health technologies and medical cell therapy. It
was all together was a winning combination to create
something that could truly change the way people thought
about personal healthcare.

Major Challenges on the Road

The regenerative medicine space and all the advancements
around CRISPR, iPSCs, genomics and cell and gene
therapy is complicated. Also, consumers haven’t really
gotten their head fully around the magnitude of the impact
these advancements are going to have in their lifetime.
Acorn is more concerned about the fast-evolving science
which is moving faster than consumer understanding of the
value of their cells. The company believes that one day
science will have fully commercialized cell and gene
therapy and there will be generations of consumers too old
to benefit.

“Acorn has a significant role to play in educating on this
space and preparing people for the future. No one thought
that today we would be planning for self-driving cars, or

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