Fast Car – September 2019

(Barré) #1



defi ning car culture 043

Awesome Audio

These wee monsters from the sonic scientists over at
Kicker are so hot off the press, they haven’t even confi rmed
the UK prices yet! In fact, you can’t even get your hands on
them right now, because they’re not actually landing here in
Blighty until next month.
Still, what’s most unusual is that these are genuine
entry-level offerings... presumably to make sure that even
us mere mortals will be able to afford a whole load of Kicker
awesomeness in our cars. It makes sense, though, after all,
Kicker are perhaps most associated with high-end works of
auditory weaponry. So, there’s plenty of room on the market
for more budget-conscious items.
Speaking of cars too, the new CS-Series is pretty
massive: it has no less than 12 different confi gurations of
coaxial and component systems. All this basically means is
they’ll have an option for almost every motor ever made.
Oh, and they’re all packing thoroughly non-budget stuff like
optimised magnets, EVC (extended voice coils) for deeper
bass, and the most hardcore component parts to ensure
they last a lifetime of spanking.
So, how long do we have to wait again? Three or four
weeks? Hurry up!


Everyone loves a top tool, that goes without saying, but it has to be said that these have
to be some of the sexiest looking we’ve ever seen! In fact, the guys at Sealey are so
proud of their new Premier Black Series range, that they’re giving away over 350 quid’s
worth on their website right now ( jump on there before the 30th September to enter
the comp).
The line-up includes all sorts, not least a comprehensive socket set, torque wrench,
locking grips, a breaker bar and much more. And why are they called Premier Black?
Because they’re rather high-end and fi nished in only the toughest black coating (well,
duh! – Jules).
These look so swanky, in fact, that we don’t know whether to use them in the
workshop or bloody frame ‘em in the living room! Black is most certainly the new,
er... black.



Although the turbocharged 135i and the 1M are awesome little cars in their own right, it
has been said that these (along with the 335i) were de-tuned from the factory, just so
they don’t embarrass their N/A V8, M-badged brothers. We can’t say for sure, of course,
but if it is true, in our eyes they’re just not playing by the kind of rules ze Germans are
famous for. But, then again, we’re all modifi ers here, so you’ll be glad to know that the
spanking N54 and N55 engines can benefi t massively from one of these uber-quality
front mounts. Combined with a remap to up the boost, you’ll see plenty of extra horses,
while keeping everything as reliable as a fast Zim-Zimmer should be. To be honest, we
just can’t fault that kind of logic!


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