Storizen – July 2019

(sharon) #1


Curiosity about history. Dedication
to research. A sense of
dispassion. A willingness to go
against the popular grain. But
most of all, a deep desire to tell a
story that informs and entertains.

That writing one book does not in
any way equip you to write the
next. With each book I find myself
a novice, having to figure out once
again how to go about this
business of conjuring worlds via

What is the biggest surprise that
you experienced after becoming a

Which genres you enjoy reading
the most? Which you don’t enjoy
at all?

I enjoy reading anything that’s well
written and nuanced. I am a
sucker for language, for words
that when strung together create
entire worlds and characters I
want to journey with. (You could
say I am a failed poet.)

Anything you would like to say to
your readers?

Read, read a lot. Reading makes
us better people, if only because it
opens the world to us. But write
only if the story would kill you if
you didn’t. And I mean it, literally.
Study the past to define the future.

What are some ways in which you
promote your work? Do you find
that these add to or detract from
your writing time?

Mostly, I write. But when I have a
new book out, I ferret for every
scrap of attention the book is
getting and feed it to social media.

What projects are you working on
at the present? When can we
expect a new thriller from you?
What about the last book in the
Mehrunisa Trilogy after the Hunt
for the Kohinoor?

Several. Mehrunisa Book 3 is
definitely in the pipeline. However,
I am currently vested in multiple
books set around India’s
independence and partition, most
of which read like thrillers.
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