Storizen – July 2019

(sharon) #1



Unfriended and unloved,
Because there was nothing lovable
about me,
A dark shadow of myself,
As I struggled to stand
In a world I had thought was mine,
But there he was beside me with
That firm arm around my shoulder,
his wife,
Is that what love is?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes!

VidyaShankaris a poet, writer,
blogger, motivational speaker,
English language teacher,
instructional designer, content
developer, and yoga enthusiast. An
active member of poetry circles,
her work has appeared in national
and international literary
magazines, literary platforms and
anthologies. Her first book of
poems 'The Flautist of
Brindaranyam', a collaborative
effort with her photographer
husband, Shankar Ramakrishnan.
Herself a ‘book’ at the Human
Library, Vidya Shankar lives a life
of purpose by using the power of
words, both written and spoken, to
create awareness about
environmental issues, mental
health and the need to break the
shackles of an outdated society.


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