ParentsWorld – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

Our neighbour recently adopted a cat. Though I am an
animal lover, I think my daughter is allergic to the cat.
Subsequent to playing with the feline, she developed
itching and a runny nose. Is there some way of finding
out if she is allergic to cat hair/fur?
—Preetha Kumar, Chennai
Dogs and cats emanate sticky allergens that remain in the
air for long periods of time (43 days). However it’s the
dander flakes of dead skin of dogs and cats which are more
allergenic than their hair or fur. If your daughter has a his-
tory of allergy atopic constitution or has tested positive for
an allergy test (skin prick test and specific IgE) conducted
by a clinical allergist, it’s advisable for her not to play with
your neighbour’s cat.
To be doubly sure she is allergic to cats, you can opt
for provocation tests, in which avoidance of cats for three
months will relieve her allergy symptoms, but re-exposure
will prompt recurrence of symptoms. This will confirm if
she is allergic to cats.

My five-year-old son seems to have a permanent cold
and runny nose during summers. Recently, he has
been complaining of ear pain. We moved to Bangalore
last summer and my husband has noticed that this
is the second summer that he has exhibited these
symptoms. Please advise.
— Shameel R. K, Bangalore
If your child has recurrent colds and runny nose without
fever with seasonal exacerbation (April, May, June) even af-
ter administering symptomatic treatment consecutively for
two-three years, it is advisable to perform a blood specific
IgE test for indoor allergens (altrenaria, dust mites etc.).
Please consult an allergy specialist. If the test is negative
and you suspect viral or bacterial infection, consult your

We eat sea prawns and other seafood at home





reactions in children


(Dr. P.C. Kathuria is a chest physical and allergy immunotherapy
expert at the National Allergy Centre, New Delhi)

regularly. My 12-year-old son has been eating them
from childhood. However in the past two weeks he has
complained of stomach pain after consuming prawns.
He does not exhibit these symptoms after consuming
fish. Is it possible to suddenly develop an allergy to a
particular food?
— Ardra Venugopal, Chennai
Food allergy symptoms occur within one hour of eating
in the form of urticaria (hives all over the body) but food
intolerance signs are only confined to the gastro-intestinal
tract (abdominal pain etc). You can develop sudden aller-
gies to particular foods — it depends on individual genetic
susceptibility and external factors such as alcohol, painkill-
ers, exercise etc. I suggest he eats fish in small amounts
and gradually increases tolerance as advised by a clinical

We have recently moved back into our house after
renovating it. My eight-year-old daughter has started
showing allergic reactions right from the time we
moved in again — sneezing, runny nose, etc. She was
born here and has lived here from childhood. Is it
possible to become suddenly allergic to the house
that she has lived in for years?
— Ananya Bhat, Mangalore
The symptoms of allergic reaction depend on the type
of allergens sensitisation, concentration and duration of
allergen exposure, and dose of allergen which enters the
body. Please consult your physician for symptomatic treat-
ment. If symptoms recur, even after symptomatic treat-
ment, consult an allergy specialist to rule out sensitisation
by SPT or blood test. If tests are positive, plan for allergen
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