ParentsWorld – July 2019

(Greg DeLong) #1

flicting 21st century children and advise how parents can
help to alleviate their pain and suffering.

Some chronic respiratory ailments such as asthma mani-
fest in early childhood. Keeping a clean house and avoid-
ing dusty outdoor environments, vaporizing mosquito
repellents, cigarette smoke and strategic use of broncho-
dilating medication (as prescribed) helps control and
recovery in young children. Inhalers and nebulizers are
more effective than oral medication. In some children,
asthma attacks are aggravated by cow’s milk.
Asthmatics struggle with breathing difficulties be-
cause of poor coordination of their respiratory muscles.
Child asthmatics can greatly benefit from regular steam
inhalations, yoga breathing exercises and structured
aerobic workouts such as cycling, running and swim-
ming. Also teaching children to play a wind instrument
will improve their lung capacity. Martial arts (karate,
kung fu, silambam) training also helps alleviate breath-
ing difficulties.

Malnutrition and obesity lead to lifelong morbidity.
Childhood and adolescent obesity results in early onset
of puberty, diminished stature, diabetes, hypertension,
and cardiac diseases which can be fatal. Child malnu-
trition in the midst of plenty is becoming common
in middle class India, as children are fed transfat and
sugar-filled snacks in lieu of nutritious home-cooked
meals. This leads to lethargy, weak bones and anaemia.

Chronic diarrhoea is caused by food allergies, intoler-
ance to milk and wheat, inflammatory bowel disease or
parasitic infestation. After clinical tests and diagnosis,
immediate medical treatment should be administered to
children. If infants are exclusively breastfed for 180 days
and then partially breastfed along with semi-solids for one
year, they are likely to be resistant to chronic diarrhoea.

Children and adolescents can suffer from Type 1 as well
as Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually follows viral
infections, some of which can be prevented with appro-
priate immunization. Type 2 diabetes is usually the fallout
of obesity. If diabetes is unchecked, complications such
as kidney malfunction set in during adolescence. Regular
exercise and healthy meals can help keep sugar levels of
children in check.

Mental retardation, malformations of the brain (anen-
cephaly, meningo-myelocoele), and cerebral palsy require
a lifetime of care. Folic acid prevents some of these

developmental malfunctions. Folic tablets of 5 mg a day
should be taken as soon as the decision to have a child
is made. The neural tube, which eventually grows into
the brain and spinal cord, starts to develop 16 days after
fertilization of the egg. During pregnancy, special care
should be taken to control gestational diabetes, weight,
and hypertension.
Moreover any childhood signs of mental illnesses
such as depression and schizophrenia should be imme-
diately brought to the attention of a medical profes-
sional. Early intervention with counselling, occupational
therapy, and appropriate medication will go a long way
to help integrate them into mainstream society.
Epilepsy often manifests in childhood. Sometimes
it manifests as febrile seizures which occur only when
the child has a fever. In other cases, it is part of the
spectrum of a seizure disorder. It might be precipitated
by illness or trauma or be hereditary. Seizures can be
well-controlled with medication. Remember to dose
the child on time as the medication works only for a
limited number of hours. Delayed dosing might cause
seizures to recur. And don’t abruptly stop medication.
The child has to be gradually weaned under medical
supervision. This duration is usually five years after the
last documented seizure.

  • Avoid matrimonial alliances with close relatives as
    recessive genetic diseases are more likely to manifest
    in children born from such relationships.

  • Don’t consume alcohol or smoke during pregnan-
    cy. Also avoid passive inhalation of cigarette smoke.

  • Avoid medications except for iron, folic acid and
    calcium supplements during pregnancy unless specif-
    ically prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner.
    Always inform the doctor that you are pregnant.

  • Treat gestational diabetes and hypertension

  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of
    an infant’s life builds immunity and prevents many
    chronic diseases which manifest in childhood.

  • Ensure timely immunization and vaccinations.

  • Feed your child a healthy diet without transfats,
    excess sugar or preservatives.

  • Encourage children to participate in aerobic exer-
    cises such as running, swimming, or cycling for at
    least 30 minutes per day.

(Dr. Gita Mathai is a well-known Vellore-based pediatrician and
author of Staying Healthy in Modern India)

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