TimeOut Abu Dhabi – July 24, 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

timeoutabudhabi.com July 24 – August 6 2019 63

from 8pm to 9.15pm on Al Hudayriat Island,
and also on Wednesdays at Zayed Sports City

from 7.45pm to 9.15pm.
Those going along to the

Hudayriat session should meet

by the kids’ play area, and those
at Zayed Sports City should

gather by the entrance to the
International Tennis Stadium.

Or, if you somehow get lost,
simply look out for the ADNOC

marathon flags.

The weekly workouts are led by
the race’s official coach, Youssef

Rochdi, who is also a member
of USA Track & Field Association

(USATF) and multiple winner of USATF long-
distance championships.

Running all the way until November 27,
the sessions include interval

training, long-distance runs, drills,

up-hill sprints, tempo runs and
more. Plus, from September, free

coaching will also be introduced
for those taking part in the

2.5km, 5km and 10km races
H.E Aref Al Awani, general

secretary of Abu Dhabi Sports

Council, says: “Last year we
welcomed 10,000 runners from

all over the world to the inaugural
ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon, this

year we hope to grow that number to 15,000.
“Providing these free training sessions is

just one example of how we are making the
ADNOC Abu Dhabi Marathon more accessible

than ever to all members of our community in

the capital.”
You can still sign up to take part and

entrance is Dhs350 for the marathon,
Dhs150 for the 10km, Dhs75 for the 5km and

Dhs50 for the 2.5km.
Could this be the year you finally run a

whole marathon?

Go on, we believe in you.
O Free. Al Hudayriat Island: Mon 8pm-9.15pm.

Zayed Sports City: Wed 7.45pm-9.15pm.

Free training for the

Abu Dhabi Marathon

It’s free, did you not

hear us first time?

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