March 2018^ DISCOVER^47
to. His team discovered that tubulin proteins were among
them, and then found that if a kind of reverse agent were
administered — a microtubule-stabilizing drug — so were
the anesthetic effects. He remains a critic of Hameroff ’s
“speculative” theories, but says his research suggests micro-
tubules might play “some role” in consciousness.
Yet Hameroff remains controversial. Koch, the brain
researcher and consciousness expert, declined to comment,
saying he doesn’t want to be the “eternal critic” everyone
goes to for takedowns of the Hameroff-Penrose theory. But
some are coming around.
“I was always quite skeptical of Stuart’s claims about
microtubules,” says Anthony Hudetz, a neuroscientist in the
anesthesiology department at the University of Michigan.
“But now there is data. And I have to say, I think Stuart
does have some momentum now.”
Hudetz sees microtubules as a good potential mechanism
for explaining anesthesia. “I have the feeling that this whole
microtubule theory has matured actually quite nicely,” he
says. For Hudetz, the key going forward is testing whether
molecular events inside microtubules actually relate to the
quantum events as Hameroff proposes.
And now, two scientists working independently of one
another, yet both openly inspired by Hameroff, are taking
microtubule research to a whole new level.
Anirban Bandyopadhyay summarized his research in a talk
at Hameroff ’s 2016 Science of Consciousness conference.
Six feet tall and slim with dark, black hair and a broad,
joyful smile, Bandyopadhyay enjoys a plum job for a
scientist in his early 40s, leading his own research group
at the National Institute for Materials Science
(NIMS) in Japan. As a physicist, he’s studied
the inner workings of both natural and
artificial brains. To understand brain
function, Bandyopadhyay believes
scientists must understand the work-
ings inside the neuron, including the
The conventional view is that neu-
rons fire when a channel within the
cell membrane opens, flooding the
neuron with positively charged ions.
Once a specific threshold is reached, an
electrical signal travels down the axon —
the nerve fibers within the neuron — and
the neuron fires. Axons are long wires that con-
nect neurons to other cells. And inside each axon is a
bundle of nanowires, including the microtubule.
Bandyopadhyay found that he could apply one of these
specific charges to the microtubule, causing activity to
build up in the neuron. By allowing the current to con-
tinue, he could cause the neuron to fire, or — by cutting
the signal off — stop it from firing altogether.
He says this bundle of nanowire resonates like a guitar
string, firing thousands of times faster than normal activ-
ity in a neuron. The neuron, he thought, contrary to all
current scientific understanding, wasn’t
the essential, or first cause of the human
thought process.
“[Neuroscientists] need to go deeper —
into the microtubule,” he says.
To Bandyopadhyay, modern brain
science’s emphasis on the neuron is
misguided. Brash at times, he refers to
neuroscience as akin to dermatology.
“The neuron is the skin,” he says. “It’s
important, yes, but not everything.”
Bandyopadhyay’s 2013 work on the
microtubule required refitting a special
microscope and contracting with an out-
side firm to create a needle with a
1-by-1-nanometer point — the
smallest ever constructed,
Bandyopadhyay says.
His team used it
to peer inside the
microtubule with
incredible precision.
inserted the needle
into a rat neuron to
view the microtubule.
As he did, monitors
on one wall in the room
flickered with images from
the tiniest level of animal biol-
ogy. The next set of experiments was
to apply various electrical charges and
watch the “skin” of the neuron as well
as the inside of the microtubule. At first,
nothing happened. But when he began
applying specific energy charges to the
microtubule, it responded, vibrating and
conducting the electricity. This was curi-
ous, and exciting.
A microtubule is composed of many
a physicist who
studies both
artificial and natural
brains, has been
applying currents to
microtubules to see
how they react.
The neuron, he
thought, contrary to
all current scientific
understanding, wasn’t the
essential, or first cause
of the human thought