Daill Mail - 08.08.2019

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Page 54 Daily Mail, Thursday, August 8, 2019

54 femailMAGAZINE

by Radhika


Clothes that help save the planet are

the latest trend. But are shoppers who

embrace ‘sustainable’ ranges having the

(recycled) wool pulled over their eyes?

but are all sustainable items
equally saintly?
Take Asos’s Responsible Edit,
described as a ‘one-stop home’ for
environmentally-conscious clothing,
accessories and living items from
different brands featured on the
website. One of the first products
to come up is a recycled T-shirt.
The description is promising:
‘Made with recycled cotton. Instead
of ending up in landfill, clothes and
textile waste are reclaimed and
turned into new fibres. This saves
water and energy. Bonus: it
reduces C0 2 emissions, too.’
It doesn’t tell me exactly how
much cotton is recycled, but it’s
the next line that makes me pause
before clicking ‘add to bag’. It
describes the fabric as 50 per cent
cotton, 50 per cent polyester.
Can a T-shirt that contains poly-
ester really be considered envi-
ronmentally-conscious? Admit-
tedly, polyester can be recycled,
but not if — as in this case — it’s
blended with another material, as
mixed fibres cannot be recycled.
As the fashion industry has no
standard to define sustainability, a
garment can be labelled ‘sustaina-
ble’ even if it contains only 1 per
cent organic cotton or is combined
with a man-made synthetic fabric.
Asos said that, for a product to
feature in its Responsible Edit
range, it must contain 50 per cent
sustainable materials at a mini-
mum; the only exception to this is
recycled cotton, which has a lower
threshold (20 per cent) due to tech-
nical limitations with the fibre.
‘If a brand sells an item as
sustainable, then usually some-
thing on the label says why — but
not always,’ says Tamsin Lejeune,
CEO of Common Objective, a tech
platform designed to make it easy
for fashion professionals to
work sustainably.
It’s positive to see big brands
taking action, but are they just
telling shoppers what they
want to hear? Inditex,
the world’s largest
clothes producer
and owner of
Zara, promises
all its clothes
will be made
from sustain-
able fabrics
by 2025.
H&M vows
to use 100 per
cent sustain-
able cotton by
2020, and ensure
all its products
are made from
sustainably sourced
materials by 2030.
Maxine Bedat is the founder
of the New Standard Institute
(NSI), a scientific organisation
focused on improving sustainability
in fashion. She is concerned that
brands merely pay lip service.
‘It almost feels like sustainable
fashion is the latest trend,’ she
says. ‘I question whether a lot of
brands are truly reducing impact
— or just trying to be trendy.’
While she praises the commit-
ments of Zara to stop using
hazardous chemicals by 2020 and
H&M’s promise to ensure workers
are paid fairly, she believes their
biggest vow — to eventually use
100 per cent sustainable fabrics —
is ‘so loosely defined as to be mean-
ingless’. The NSI has created a
‘measuring stick of sustainability’

called the Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA), which tallies a company’s
total carbon, water and chemical
footprint, and requires them to
make these details public.
A number of brands, including
Stella McCartney, Patagonia and
Kering (the group that owns
Gucci) use this system, but the
majority of High Street retailers
have yet to sign up.
While some use other measures,
many keep their figures private.
Mango says between 2017 and
2018 it doubled the number of
garments produced sustainably
and plans to ‘increase’ the per-
centage of sustainable fabrics
used in all collections, but hasn’t
yet stated its figures publicly.


N INDITEX spokes-
man said: ‘We produce
durable, high-quality
fashion which custom-
ers can wear again and again. We
strive to create products that are
not only right for our customers,
but right for the people who create
them, and work in partnership
with suppliers, unions, govern-
ments and other brands to do so.
‘We know where our garments
are made and the social and envi-
ronmental conditions in which
they are produced, and our sup-
pliers must follow our stringent
code of conduct which empha-
sizes workers’ rights.
‘Sustainability is a neverending
goal and we have set very specific
commitments and targets, notably
that by 2025, we will use only
organic, sustainable or
recycled cotton, polyes-
ter and linen.’
Asos says it trans-
parently and pub-
licly reports its
uptake of sustain-
able fibres each
year via the Tex-
tile Exchange
benchmark. The
number of clothes
it sells that are
made from recycled
materials varies over
time, so it is not able
to give a fixed percent-
age on this.
‘We’re working to increase
our use of recycled fibres as these
are always preferable to virgin
fibres. We recognise the impor-
tance of designing products with
recyclability in mind from the
start, which is why we’ve part-
nered with the Centre for Sustain-
able Fashion. We have many varied
commitments, of which training
our designers on circular design is
just one.’
An H&M spokesperson said they
display the precise material com-
position of every single garment
they sell online. ‘For a material to
be labelled as Conscious, at least
50 per cent of the material compo-
sition must be recycled or sustain-
ably sourced. This is the minimum
requirement, but a lot of our Con-
scious garments far exceed this.

‘One of our goals is to use 100 per
cent sustainably sourced or recy-
cled materials by 2030 — currently
57 per cent of the materials we use
meet this standard.
‘H&M group will never decide for
itself whether a material can be
considered sustainable. We follow
the Textile Exchange’s Preferred
Fiber & Materials benchmark to
establish the sustainability creden-
tials of a material; and for us to
class a material as sustainable, it
must also meet the independent
accreditation requirements of a rel-
evant third-party body.’
Mango did not respond to a
request for a comment.
Here’s our guide on how to shop
sustainably — and whether you
can do it on the High Street.


POLyESTER is the world’s most
commonly used fibre, but the
chemical process by which it is
made from crude oil releases
pollutants into the atmosphere,
depletes finite resources and does
not easily biodegrade. Worse, if it’s

blended with other fibres, such as
cotton, it cannot be recycled.
A more sustainable alternative is
said to be recycled polyester, which
forms much of H&M’s Conscious
collection. Mainly made from recy-
cled plastic bottles, it takes between
30 and 50 per cent less energy to
make, doesn’t use up oil reserves
and reduces the amount of polyes-
ter disposed in landfill.
But each time plastic is reheated
for recycling it degrades, so it
cannot be recycled indefinitely.
Then there’s the problem of
polyester garments releasing
plastic microfibres into water when
washed. Already, 110kg of micro-
fibres enter waterways daily for
every 100,000 people — the equiva-
lent of the pollution caused by
about 15,000 plastic bags.
Recycled polyester might be
even worse at shedding plastic
microparticles. ‘Reports on
water contaminated as a result of
synthetic clothes being
washed found recycled fabrics are
the worst; they degraded more in
water,’ says Tamsin Lejeune.
‘you can’t call a recycled
polyester collection sustainable.’

TOP TIP: Check labels and avoid all
polyester, whether recycled or not.


THE term ‘sustainable cotton’ is
used by High Street retailers, but
there’s no set definition.
It can refer to five different
initiatives, from Certified Organic
which strictly monitors pesticide
and insecticide use, to Fairtrade
which guarantees farmers a fair
minimum price for their cotton,
and the Better Cotton Initiative
(BCI) which tries to improve the
social, economic and environmen-
tal outcomes for farmers.
But BCI, which Zara and Mango
grow their cotton in line with, has
been criticised for its tolerance of
pesticides and GM crops, as well
as its lack of clear figures about
how much water it aims to reduce
in cotton production. ‘There’s a
difference between BCI which is
slightly sustainable, and things
like organic cotton and Fairtrade
cotton which have specifics,’ says
ethical trade consultant Clare


IKE many people, I worry about how my
everyday choices affect the planet, from
the food I eat to the clothes I wear.
And as someone who likes to dress well — and can’t
resist the lure of a discount rail — I was horrified to
learn that the fashion and textile industry is one of the largest
polluters in the world, second only to oil, according to the UN.
Every stage in the life cycl e of our clothing causes damage to
the natural world, from toxic chemicals used in factories to the
carbon footprint of shipping goods globally, which is partly why
the clothing industry is responsible for more than 8 per cent of
all the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Fortunately, things are changing. Walk into any High Street
shop, or click onto an online store, and you’ll find ranges
claiming to be ‘conscious’, ‘better’ or ‘eco’. It all sounds great,



Celebrities promoting
more sustainable
fashion include Emma
Watson, Jessica Alba,
Gwyneth Paltrow and
Miranda Kerr




as it seems






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