Jp Magazine – October 2019

(Tina Sui) #1

50 Jp OCTOBER 2019

Enthusiasm for Jeeps can

take many for ms. For some,

it’s an immaculately restored

f latfender with all period-correct compo-
nents. For others, it’s a custom-built rock
buggy with a Jeep grille and skin. Even
those JK people with a penchant for angry
bird grilles and lightbars are Jeep enthusi-
asts. Unfortunately, instead of celebrating
the diversity of that four-letter word we all
love, all too often people become divisive
and judgmental about how others choose
to express it. There’s no doubt that Ian
Liljeblad’s Big Willy creation ruff les some
feathers, especially among some Jeep
elitists. It’s not the fastest Jeep, it doesn’t
have a lot of Jeep parts, it’s not the most
capable, and it’s not even the most sensi-
ble. But there’s no denying it’s a Jeep, and
it’s one that makes an impression, elicits
an emotional response, and makes people
talk. And that’s exactly the point.
What’s not up for debate is whether
or not Ian is a “real” Jeep enthusiast. A
highly talented fabricator, Ian cut his
teeth building buggies when rockcrawling

When the love of

Jeeps, art cars, and

reggae collide

By Trenton McGee
[email protected]
Photography: Trenton McGee
and Harry Wagner





Big^ Willy^ was^ finished^ ju
st in^ time^ for^ Burning^ Man
2018 ,^ where^ it^ was

well^ received^ on^ the^ pl
aya and^ fit^ right^ in^ with^ th
e other^ art,^ both

mobile^ and^ stationary.^ If^
you see^ Big^ Willy^ at^ an^ ev
ent,^ there^ are

usually^ a^ bunch^ of^ peop
le on^ board.^ We^ have^ to^
admit^ the^ LEDs

are^ pretty^ cool
at night.
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