Garden Railways – August 2019

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Shawn Viggiano has been a model
railroader since childhood, but only dis-
covered garden railroading after his first
child was born. Shawn has worked as a
New Jersey Park Police Officer for 15 years.
Even when he isn’t on the job, Shawn
enjoys spending his free time in the great
outdoors hiking, biking, and skiing with
his wife Desiree and their three children
Sierra, Aiden, and Savannah.


and YouTube. Later, I discovered that
creating a Facebook page for the Kittatin-
ny Mountain Railroad (
Kittatinnymtrr/) was an easy way to share
my interests in the hobby with a much
wider audience.

Projects and prospects
The KMRR, like the various plantings it
includes, continues to grow, mature, and
evolve. At one point, I added power to the
rails of the outer loop, all in an effort to
provide friends with track-powered loco-
motives an option to run their equipment
on my railroad. More recently, I decided
to change the track plan by removing the
two track switches (sprung) used to form
the reverse loops. Although occasional
derailments occurred, I rarely used
the loops for reversing direction. The
resulting folded dogbone route also
allowed me to incorporate a tunnel.
Someday I would like to include a
16mm route around the mountain, but
that’s way down the line.
For now, I’m only planning to run
trains and continue enjoying the scent of
steam oil in the air on warm autumn
days...and through cold winters too!

  1. An Accucraft 4-4-0 and coaches enter the
    rural crossings. Stonecrop (left) and native
    moss (lower right) model scale weeds.
    11. Work never ends at the sawmill. Still, the crew of the Regner Class A Climax finds time to enjoy
    the dianthus wayside groundcover.

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