Outlook – July 06, 2019

(Barry) #1

theories on causes

the litchis of wrath

the sugary drupe, contaminated water, parasites or heatstroke? the origins of the dreaded

One conjecture about
the non-infectious
origin of AES is that it
is caused by brain
damage due to
heatstroke and hunger. According to
the IMA, ‘heat syndrome’ (low blood
sugar, dehydration, etc) turns severe
for malnourished children.

Others point to ground-
water contamination with
faeces in villages where
open defecation is common.
Several enteroviruses,
which are primarily spread by faecal-
hand-oral contamination, are known
to cause fatal encephalitis.

Experts have blamed
malnutrition and low
immunity for poor
outcomes during treatment in
patients with viral encephalitis.

the most common theory is
that the affected children ate
litchis. a toxin known as
hypoglycin a, naturally
present in litchis, leads to a
fall in blood sugar, causing
hypoglycaemia, high fever,
brain function derangement
and seizures.

Larval mites, ticks and bed
bugs are vectors of the
bacterium that causes
scrub typhus, an infection
that researchers consider a common
cause of AES.

how it can sPreaD

GuiDe to acute encePhalitis synDrome

In orchards, children
can easily pick up fruits
contaminated by the saliva,
urine or droppings of bats.

Consuming infected fruits, meat, milk or
water can also cause the infection.

Culex mosquitoes are the primary
vectors of pathogens.

Pigs are known to be the
main amplifying hosts.

Exposure to infected
animal faeces, saliva
or bodily fluids
through cuts can
lead to infection.

this term for brain inflammation was coined in 2008 by the world health organisation as
a basket label for similar symptoms caused by different types of infections or by one’s own
immune system mistakenly attacking brain tissues.

types of viruses,
bacteria and
fungi can cause
AES symptoms

cases are due to
unknown agents;
stay undiagnosed
and untreated.

91% deaths happen because patients have
to travel for hours to avail treatment in the
absence of facilities nearby.



cases have no specific
remedy. Fever and cerebral
dysfunction do not mean AES.

Graphics by SAjI C.S.


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