Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
Reader’s Digest

choice. When I was picked for the Miss
India [competition] after college, it be-
came yet another reason for me to fit
in. But modelling wasn’t very reward-
ing. I constantly felt like I was punching
below my weight. I started auditioning,
and I taught myself Hindi in the pro-
cess. I remember translating Hindi
songs to English in an effort to under-
stand their meaning. It was during the
audition of my first film that I realized
this is what I want to do.

Made in Heaven is brutally honest and
strips down the double standards
within Indian society. Is that some-
thing that attracted you to the show?
Well, here is a story that’s talking about
some very real issues of our time. How
much of Indian cinema does that? It’s
mostly escapist. People of all classes
have their own struggles, be it existen-
tial or survival. But very few films talk
about them. Made in Heaven gave me
a voice, and I believe if you’re given a
voice, you better use it well.

What is it about Tara, your character
in Made in Heaven, that you related to
the most?
She’s flawed. She isn’t the perfect
protagonist you see in cinema most
of the time. She’s vulnerable, she gets
cornered and she has dilemmas, some
created by her own insecurities. Isn’t
that what most of us deal with in our
lives? It’s what makes her real. I grew
up in Visakhapatnam—I’m a small
town girl and I had a very simple life.

Tara’s world is very different from
mine. It was exciting to explore the
mannerisms and the mind of some-
one like her.

Did you ever think that a web series
would be your big break? Does that
say something about the changing
nature of cinema in India?
I’ve done Raman Raghav 2.0, Kala-
kandi and a superhit Telugu film
called Goodachari, but I was invi-
sible till Made in Heaven came about.
You feel rewarded and validated as an
actor when something does well, and
something that’s not run-of-the-mill.
It’s an incredible time to be an actor
today. Shows like Delhi Crime, Made
in Heaven and Sacred Games are all
examples of free, liberated storytelling.
I hope the success of these shows will
empower more people to make them.

Do you feel the pressure of being a
digital superstar? It’s a whole new
genre of actors in India.
Sometimes I feel it’s a consolation
prize. But I hope it’s not. It’s a new
wave and I’m glad to be in it. Our tri-
als and tribulations are going to de-
fine a part of the new generation and
that’s important for me. My upcoming
work includes a TV series called Bard
of Blood, an indie Malayalam-English
film called Moothon and another
Hindi film called The Body. Each of
them is unique and edgy in its own
way, and it’s the kind of work
I really want to do.

’’ 115

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