Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1

the “idea of responding to some-
thing that we didn’t anticipate hap-
pening is a fundamental attribute of
what it means to be human. Humans
are hardwired to create”. The creative
brain state that Limb has documented
in musicians, comedians and artists is
similar to that of athletes ‘in the zone’
who turn off the self-monitoring part
of their brains and use their instincts
about which shots to take. This mind-
set is also what we employ in daily life
to deal with unexpected occurrences.
Faced with a delayed train, for in-
stance, we might decide to walk or take
the bus. Or, realizing that we’re out of
lemons while cooking, we might sub-
stitute a lime—or something else.
“Everyone is creative; it’s just a
matter of degree,” says Jung. “We
have this prototypical idea of artistic
creativity, but we are creative in our

relationships, our work, our cooking,
or even arranging our homes in a dif-
ferent way.”
To train your brain to think cre-
atively, look for ways to improvise in
your daily life. Improv comedian An-
thony Veneziale practises this with his
daughter by giving her a ‘yes’ day. For
one day, as long as she doesn’t hurt
anyone, they will do anything she
wants: Have ice cream for breakfast.
Go swimming. Visit a local park. This
sort of exercise is just as important
to your health as the physical kind.
Limb notes that “the creative brain is
a generally more activated brain than
a non-creative one”—and an activated
brain is generally better able to ward
off forgetfulness, absentmindedness
and even dementia.

CNN.COM(29 aPriL 2018), coPyright © 2018
by cabLe NewS Network.

The Road to Victory
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.
biLL gateS

I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism and sexism.

Virtue in obscurity is rewarded only in Heaven. To succeed in this world,
you have to be known to people.
SoNia Sotomayor

Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn’t that way.
It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy
in the eyes of those around you.
mariLyN moNroe 127

The Genius Section
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