Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1 39

How to turn prejudice into pride

By Damian Tarnopolskywith Vanya Lochan


elly Groh is different from his
colleagues at the Regional Mu-
nicipality of Waterloo, Canada,
but in a way that’s not always obvious.
All his life, Groh has been sensitive to
noise and bright lights and has a hard
time processing non-verbal cues. The
reason for this only became clear seven
years ago, when he was finally diag-
nosed with Asperger’s syndrome. The
50-year-old systems analyst’s excellent
memory and talent for processing com-
plex data made him well-suited to his
job, and he managed well enough with
office interactions after he began with
the municipality 11 years ago—until
the fall of 2011, when he returned from
an extended medical leave.
During his first week back, confusion
over a task eventually led to two of his
superiors finding him in his office with
the lights off and his head between his

knees. From Groh’s point of view, the
ensuing conversation didn’t go well be-
cause his colleagues weren’t sensitive
to his disability. “I can’t read people,”
he explains, “so it’s hard for me to see
if someone’s misunderstanding me.”
The encounter escalated to Groh feel-
ing trapped in the room and calling
the police.
Finding ourselves in an environment
where we’re not fully understood, or
are unique in some way, can be un-
comfortable and may result in feelings
of shame or insecurity. However, by ac-
cepting our singularity and even turn-
ing it into an advantage, finding pride
in difference is possible.

Accept Yourself
When standing out from the crowd
causes difficulty, it can be natural to
think there’s something wrong with




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