Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
News From the



44 july 2019


If you find it hard to get your work done
during the dog days of summer, blame the
heat. In a Harvard University study, 20 stu-
dents who lived in a dormitory with no air-
conditioning had slower reaction times,
13 per cent lower performance on basic
arithmetic tests and a nearly 10 per cent re-
duction in the number of correct responses
per minute compared with students who
lived in an air-conditioned building.

Night owls, change your
routine to get healthier

Those who go to bed late
and wake up late have lower
functional connectivity in
the brain and slower reaction
times, compared to early ris-
ers. If the same people tweak
their pattern to bring forward
their sleep cycle by two hours,
they see excellent health
benefits. Their depression
and stress levels plummet,
their mornings improve
and their eating habits get
healthier. This was revealed
in a study conducted jointly
by Monash University (Aus-
tralia), University of Birming-
ham and the University of
Surrey (both UK). It was pos-
sible to shift the circadian
rhythm of ‘night owls’ using
‘non-pharmacological and
practical interventions’. Have
breakfast as soon as possible
after waking up, eat lunch
at the same time each day,
and refrain from eating
dinner after 7 p.m. The
study also suggests getting
maximum outdoor light
during morning hours.

Photograph by The Voorhes


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