Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
asking a client if she
needed anything. The
reply: “Only willpower.”

One of my shelf sto-
ckers is always late
and always has an
excuse. His latest:
“My sister was in a
fatal car accident
and I stayed home
until she got better.”
—Ann Marie Figi

Gilbert Gottfried
on how he got into

comedy: “I think I
was too stupid to do
anything else, and that
stupidity helped me.
Not only was I too
stupid to do anything
else, but I was too
stupid to think of the
odds against it.”
When treating patients —El Paso Times
at the physiotherapy
clinic where I work, the
staff always ask patients
if they require any
equipment to do their
exercises. One day,
I heard the assistant

Cartoon by Mike Shiell

in a Day’s


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48 july 2019

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