Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
Keep Your
Bananas Fresh
Food Can’t use the
whole bunch yet? Wait
until they have started to
soften, and then toss them
in the refrigerator. The
cold will help them stay
at their peak for another
week. That said, avoid
refrigerating bananas
that aren’t quite ripe, as
it will stop the natural
ripening process.

Deodorize Your
Bathroom Naturally
home Looking for a
way to eliminate icky
bathroom smells that
doesn’t require a daily
spray? Place five or so
drops of any essential
oil on the inside of the
cardboard toilet paper
roll—and voilà! Every time
someone grabs some
paper, the movement
will reactivate the pleasant
but not over-the-top
scent. Just be careful that
the oil doesn’t get on the
paper itself, which comes
in contact with some,
um, sensitive areas.

Save Time
Cleaning the Tank
PeTs Cleaning the fish
tank or aquarium is not
a pleasant job. Luckily,
you need to change only
10 per cent of the water
each week—and you
don’t have to move the
fish. But you should
clean the sides of the
bowl or tank with a
sponge or toothbrush—
never soap—every few
weeks, placing the fish
in a cup or separate bowl
while you tidy the place
up. If you have a power
filter in the tank, change
the filter container every
month and clean the
gravel regularly too.

Cut Down on
Added Sugar
cooking “Sugar causes
weight gain and makes
one more prone to dia-
betes and bad choles-
terol. It also elevates
anxiety levels, which may
lead to health issues such
as high blood pressure,
joint pain and bad teeth,”
says Naini Setalvad, a
Mumbai-based nutrition-
ist. “Replace white sugar
with a natural and safe
substitute such as stevia,
which has zero calories
and does not cause sugar
levels to rise in the body.
You can use it in baking
and cooking as well.
Or, replace sugar with
mahathir mohd yasin/shutterstock iron-rich jaggery.” 51
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