Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1


By Mala Dutt
As told to IshAnI nAndI

It was a lifelong dream to complete her doctorate.

When she finally did, it was with her daughter

Photograph by Yasir Iqbal


orry ma’am, but you cannot go in. University elections are
on, only students are allowed inside,” said the burly police
constable at the front gate of Delhi University.
“Yes, I am a student. Please let me in,” I said.
“Uhm, no, you are not a student. Are you faculty? A lecturer?”
“ N o .”
“Then I’m afraid you can’t enter.”
“You don’t understand. I am a student! Look, this is my student ID.”
“Duplicate IDs can be easily acquired. Sorry, we cannot let you in.”
“What?! I have a test! I’m getting late. See this is my other ID. I’m
a Government of India officer. I would never show you a duplicate.”
“How can I be certain? Aap toh student lagti nahin ho.” (You don’t look
like a student at all.)


Yes, We Can,


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