Reader’s Digest India – July 2019

(Tuis.) #1
My Story 77

Getting Busy

For the next five years, I shifted focus to
a new posting at the Rashtrapati Bha-
van. My days were filled with work and
family. Shreya, my elder daughter, was
always mature and independent; just
as serious about academics as I was at
her age. I felt, in hindsight, that maybe
I was not able to give her enough at-
tention and support between my my-
riad responsibilities. When she moved
to London for her Master’s degree in
2010, my younger daughter Shatakshi
was in class 10. I was suddenly struck
by empty-nest syndrome. Would
Shreya settle in the UK? And Shatakshi
was only two years away from college. I
resolved to take a break from work and
spend more time with her.
As a government employee, I could
take a two-year leave for higher edu-
cation. This would allow me to resume
my PhD plan and also be present

by my daughter. By now, my ankle
had also healed completely. So in
December 2012, I started my PhD pro-
gramme, on a topic related to finance,
at Delhi University. My professors
and fellow students looked predict-
ably surprised when I joined class but
soon grew comfortable, friendly and
supportive, often seeking my views,
given my 25-year experience with the
government. By the time I was two
years into my course, Shreya returned
home to explore PhD options in
organizational psychology. It seemed
like the perfect opportunity to part-
ner her on the PhD journey, which
can feel lonely and confusing. While
I navigated her along milestones and
processes—which I had encountered
already—she helped with new soft-
ware and presentation skills. In 2018,
Shreya and I both received our degrees
together—mine after the standard five
years, hers in three and a half.
Staying true to your goal is never
easy. Like bumper cars, life gets in the
way and knocks you off course. But
if you are not truly passionate, it gets
even harder. And perhaps more than
one’s own strength of conviction, is the
power that comes from the support of
people—your family, teachers and
peers—which, I can say with personal
experience, is incredible. The simplest
words of encouragement—‘Yes, you
can do it!’, ‘We believe in you!’, ‘Do what
you want to do, we’re with you!’—
makes all the difference, especially
when you’re on the road less travelled.

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