Cycling Weekly – July 25, 2019

(nextflipdebug5) #1

42 | July 25, 2019 | Cycling Weekly

allowed. With a combined social media
following of more than 13 million, this can
add up to some serious traction, with the
right bit of footage.
Jumbo-Visma manager R ichard
Plugge says that while ASO and Velon
represent slightly different concerns,
they are still ultimately fighting for the
same cause. “It ’s needed to make cycling
more attractive to the spectators. The
fans will look into it, but to bring along
the spectators or the less involved people
sitting on the couch watching the T V, it ’s
really necessary,” he says.
“Bringing the fan into the heart of the
peloton, that ’s more or less our tag line,”
Plugge adds.
Even without wattages and heart rates,
when you consider the Tour de France


Overnight video star
If Bahrain-Merida rider
Jan Tratnik provided some
compulsive footage last
Saturday, as his deft high-
speed bunnyhop took off
on social media.
Taken looking backwards
from a bike-mounted
camera, the footage shows
the incident that brought
down Astana’s Jakob
Fuglsang 20km from the
finish. Exactly what caused

the crash isn’t shown, but
as an unnamed Bahrain
rider skittles down the
road his team-mate Tratnik
avoids him with a neat
flick. Immediately behind,
Fuglsang has no time to
react and goes down, over
the bars, like a sack of spuds.
The 29-year-old Slovenian
Tratnik, who you may
recognise as the winner
of the Tour de Romandie

prologue earlier this year,
showed that he’s not only
got the power, he’s also got
the skills.
“Ah, it was nothing,” said
Tratnik of his high-speed
cameo, which he said took
place at between 50 and
60kph. “It was just a reaction
— I didn’t think, I saw that
there would be a crash so I
reacted fast, I decided to go
on the left side and then I

saw the sidewalk and yeah, I
need to jump there.”
Plenty of people had
already asked him about the
video already, said the new
star of social media.
“The next day I just saw
my phone and there were
so many messages. Then I
saw this video. It was really
like... I don’t know, that I got
a result, not that I jumped on
the sidewalk!”

only got live cameras on motos in 1960,
it ’s come a long way. A nd as bike racing
teams live and die by their sponsors,
exploiting every opportunity to get more
fans engaged is a necessity, not an option.
“Technology can play a big role,”
says Dimension Data team manager
Doug Ryder. “Look at Formula 1, how
amazing it is when you can get in-car
commentary, what ’s being said, so

when the racing is dull and not a lot ’s
happening, what are the conversations
that are happening in the team cars so
they can open that side of it up. I think
that would be quite interesting for
people to engage with.”
From a galax y far, far away to the
modern pro peloton, data and technology
could be key to accelerating cycling’s
viewership into hyperspace.

TOUR 20 19


could be key to



The future promises to bring
the WorldTour experience alive

Tratnik‘s bunnyhop
set social media alight
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