New Scientist – July 27, 2019

(Ron) #1 27 July 2019 | New Scientist | 49

Assistant/Associate Professor

(tenure-leading) in Bioinformatics
and Human Microbiome

University of Nebraska Medical Center. The Department
of Genetics, Cell Biology and Anatomy (GCBA) invites
applications for for a tenure-leading, Assistant/
Associate Professor position at the interdisciplinary area
of ‘Bioinformatics and Human Microbiome’ to start Fall

  1. The incumbent will complement the existing
    strengths in genomics, metagenomics, infectious
    diseases, and bioinformatics at UNMC. We are seeking
    a dynamic faculty member who interfaces with
    crosscutting disciplines such as cancer, neuroscience,
    infectious diseases, precision medicine, etc. to integrate
    the human microbiome research applications.

We seek candidates with a strong record of
achievements at the interface of human microbial
studies and Bioinformatics including a strong and
relevant publication record, proven capacity or clear
potential to attract externally sponsored research
funding, and demonstrated experience in teaching and
mentoring graduate students and postdocs. The
candidate should have a Ph.D., or M.D. (or equivalent
degree) in Bioinformatics or a related discipline with
postdoctoral training in a genomics-based research
area associated with microbiomes or infectious
diseases. Wet lab experience is a strong plus but not a

State of the art research laboratories, biomedical
informatics infrastructure, core facilities and
collaborative investigators are available at UNMC/UNL
to conduct world-class research in Bioinformatics and
Human Microbiome. The research ecosystem contains a
number of ongoing projects related to genomics,
metagenomics and dietary modulation of gut
microbiome to develop independent and collaborative
development of new computational tools and data
analysis pipelines in the areas of metagenomics,
nutrigenomics, obesity predisposition and prevention,
and dietary modulation of gut microbiome.

UNMC is an equal opportunity employer

Applications must include curriculum vitae, statements
of research and teaching interests, and contact
information for three professional referees. Application
review will begin immediately and continue until the

To apply to this position please go to:

Genomic Scientist

Genomic Technologist

The Jackson Laboratory (JAX, is a
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