Runner\'s World UK - 09.2019

(Grace) #1


Look much further afield for your next big race
adventure – there’s a whole world out there and
these days, praise be, you can run most of it

Welcome to our annual selection of the greatest
destination races in the world. From the short to the
ultra-long, from sea-level to high-altitude, they’re all
stunningly beautiful, thrillingly exciting, wonderfully
spiritual, truly brutal or, in some cases, all four.
It’s not an exhaustive list (there are 50 entries and
we don’t include the Marathon Majors, as their
quality is already well established), but one of the
great things about our sport is that it’s growing all
the time and the demand for newer, more challenging,
scenic, far-flung or exciting events is being met by
imaginative race organisers from all over the world
who have designed events that have to be run to be
believed. The only thing that’s stopping you from
getting out there and experiencing it all is your
imagination – and your bank balance (but let’s not
think about that right now). Happy planning!

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