Tinkle – July 04, 2019

(coco) #1
Chomp! Chomp! The Tinkle Energy Meter Contest is here! Turn to the second last page and fill in the ratings in the Energy Meter

form, and win a

chance to either have a toon named after you

have a toon named after you

or hunt for your names

hunt for your names

in our stories, as per editorial decision! Hurry! I'm hungry for energy!

Meet Suppandi, the cheerful goof! He has
worked in multiple jobs and never lasted in
any of them past a day or two. He earnestly
listens to instructions from his employers
but then applies his own literal logic to
them. What happens then? Utter mayhem!

A Scary PropositionA Scary Proposition

Suppandi, I
can’t believe
you’re going to
be in a play.

Pencils & Inks
Archana Amberkar

Sachin Adhare

Story & Script
Sean D’mello

Prasad Sawant

It’s just a small part
but I’m very excited
to be on stage!

I should go and find
my seat. Good luck,
Suppandi. Break a leg! Huh? Maddy,
why did you say

It’s just a saying. It means
you’ll have a good show!

Oh, thanks
Maddy. I’ve got
to go inside






Get that
monster away
from me!

Um, director! We
have a problem.
You might have
to go backstage.
Suppandi, what
are you doing?
Put down the
hockey stick.

I need to have
a good show.
since I need my
legs for it...

decided to
break another
leg to ensure
that the show
goes well.



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