MEP Middle East – August 2019

(coco) #1 August 2019 | MEP Middle East 9


Course designed to introduce youngsters to

district cooling and scientifi c methodologies


Undergrads and high school
teens are being given a fl avour of
life working in the district cooling
Emirates Central Cooling Sys-
tems Corporation (Empower)
has launched a summer train-
ing programme to strengthen
the role of youth in the industr y,
introducing them to the latest
technologies and scientifi c meth-
The scheme includes courses
on theoretical and practical as-
pects of the sector, and attracted
students studying similar disci-
plines, such as mechanical and
electrical engineering.
“Empower pays special atten-
tion to training programmes to
raise awareness about the dis-
trict cooling sector – as well as
to raise the scientifi c and tech-
nical level of the participants of
the programme – to achieve the
highest levels in the district cool-
ing industr y, and to play a role
in preser ving the environment,”
said Ahmad Bin Shafar, Empower
“The summer training pro-
gramme aims to promote the
district cooling industr y among
the young generation and
encourage them to study this
growing sector.
“It also aims to contribute to
offering employment opportuni-
ties for participants and inform-
ing them about key specialities
in the district cooling industr y.
“Continuous training and
developing the skills of youth
makes positive impacts in the
district cooling sector.”
Workshops and open days at
various administrative and fi eld

branches within Empower are
on the itinerar y, as are visits to
cooling plants.
Bin Shafar added: “Empower
constantly strives to spread
awareness on the environmen-
tally-friendly district cooling
ser vices.
“This supports the vision of
UAE’s wise leadership, which
pays great attention to sustain-
ability, and has addressed the
need to meet the challenges of
climate change, as it is a real
obstacle in achieving growth and

Empower puts trust

in youth with summer

training programme

Empower CEO Ahmad Bin Shafar.

Electronics and electrical have
been earmarked as primar y
areas of focus as the UAE
and India press for ward with
bilateral trade talks.
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