New York Magazine – August 05, 2019

(Darren Dugan) #1

82 new york | august 5–18, 2019


1 Singer who has never toured
5 Stop gradually
10 Steal
13 Legal test, casually
19 Kitten’s food source
20 Doctor’s device
21 Fury
22 Soppressata, e.g.
23 Choose not to forgive
26 They clear some defendants
27 Person born well before you
28 Shaq played ball there
29 Roebuck’s partner
31 Deep Descartes
32 To an even smaller degree
34 Cory Booker and Kamala
Harris, for two
38 “Wild Thing” rapper ___ Loc
40 Coffee dispensers
41 Run wild
42 “Titanic” prop
45 Oliver Twist, e.g.
48 Holder of small bags
52 Celeb who’ll be a D-lister
soon, say
58 Letters between two names
59 Cracker spreads
60 Chengdu cheddar
61 Arrives, as colder weather

63 Drummer on “Something”
64 Clear drink
66 With sheepishness
67 Neighbor of the Bowery
69 Perform a ribbon-cutting
ceremony, e.g.
73 Home to the Bruins
74 Pieces of Olympic equipment
76 Some plums become them
77 Covered (in)
79 Looked (through)
81 Tesla CEO Musk
82 Barrage
86 Gallery pieces
87 “Nobody knew exactly
what had happened!”
90 Heavy entrées
92 Siskel’s foil
93 Mechanic’s cloth
94 Southernmost Ivy
95 Show with Cheryl Hines,
98 Not much of a neatnik
101 Much unpaid effort
107 Bill and Hill, in the early ’70s
111 Pineapple company
112 Build up
113 Fishing pole
115 Like the Chinese and
Vietnamese languages

116 Becomes skateable, as a pond
119 U2 hit of 1987 , phonetically—
or, how one word in each
of the six theme entries can
be spelled
122 “Oh yeah?”
123 “What ___ the odds?”
124 Son’s cousin, sometimes
125 Caffeine or cannabis, e.g.
126 He left a trail of bread crumbs
127 “Shut ___ trap!”
128 Wound down
129 Casual agreements

1 Great-aunt of Drew
2 Novelist Zora ___ Hurston
3 There are 100 between end
4 If everything goes right
5 One of many IBM has
6 Certain nobleman
7 Speechless
8 Transition while talking
9 Be incorrect
10 Use, as a bus
11 Eyes and ears, e.g.
12 They’re poured from growlers

13 Org. seen at ORD
14 Prince of Broadway fame
15 Splat Pack director
16 “The Departed” beat it
for Best Picture
17 ___ acids
18 Early ___ (no night owl)
24 About
25 “Chernobyl” setting
30 Existentialist Kierkegaard
33 Ready for trouble
35 Littlest litter critter
36 Decrees from dictators
37 Caracas cars
39 Canal fluid
42 ___-maligned (given a bad
43 In the style of
44 Lists of priors
46 ___ Greene (“The Godfather”
47 Unsettled conditions
48 Johnny Depp role of 2013
49 Snoozer’s seat
50 Pro touch
51 “Lizzie and the Rainman”
singer Tucker
53 President, at times
54 ___ hunch (intuitively)
55 They mince words
56 Money in Monaco
57 Primary
62 In such a manner
64 Title with a tilde
65 Chalkboard accessories
67 Himalayan land
68 “A Night at the ___”
(1975 Queen album)
70 Early smartphones
71 “The Handmaid’s Tale”
72 Without delay
75 Prokofiev or Eisenstein
78 100 percent
80 “Couldn’t tell ya”
82 Nine before Nov.
83 Fail or forfeit finish
84 Test material
85 Mayonnaise ingredient
88 Biblical food
89 One of Clinton’s opponents
in 2016
91 The College Board gives them
95 Foy of “First Man”
96 Belfast’s province
97 Skin issue
99 Serious promise
100 ___ Mary (brunch drink)
101 Archie’s wife
102 Chocolaty coffee
103 City SSE of Buffalo
104 Mary Kay rival
105 Utah’s Hatch
106 Participated in a regatta, maybe
108 Make used (to)
109 Leave none of on the plate
110 Slow movers
114 Monopoly pair
117 “___ your imagination!”
118 Legislator, briefly
120 “First of all ...”
121 Talk series with an 18-minute

The solution to last week’s puzzle appears on page 72.

You Too?
New York Crossword by Matt Gaffney

August 5–18, 2019. VOL. 52, NO. 16. New York Magazine (ISSN 0028-7369) is published biweekly by New York Media LLC, 75 Varick Street, New York, N.Y., 10013. Matt Gaffney’s New York crosswords are now at New puzzles (including this one) alternate with vintage ones, posting every Sunday night. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. Editorial and business offices: 212-508-0700. Postmaster: Send address changes to New York, P.O. Box 420306, Palm Coast, FL, 32142-0306. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40612608. Canada returns to be sent to Imex Global Solutions, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Subscription rates in the United States and possessions: 26 issues, $59.97. For subscription assistance, write to New York Magazine Subscription Department, P.O. Box 420306, Palm Coast, FL, 32142-0306, or call 800-678-0900. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 2019 by New York Media LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Founding chairman, Bruce Wasserstein; chief executive officer, Pam Wasserstein. New York Magazine is not responsible for the return or loss of unsolicited manuscripts. Any submission of a manuscript must be accompanied by an SASE.

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Solve This
Sunday nights for
new and vintage


________ COPY ___ DD ___ AD ___ PD ___ EIC

1619BOB_puzzle_lay [Print]_35540955.indd 82 7/31/19 2:44 PM

82 newyork| august5–18, 2019


1 Singerwhohasnevertoured
5 Stopgradually
10 Steal
13 Legaltest, casually
19 Kitten’s foodsource
20 Doctor’s device
21 Fury
22 Soppressata,e.g.
23 Choosenottoforgive
26 They clearsomedefendants
27 Personbornwellbeforeyou
28 Shaqplayedballthere
29 Roebuck’spartner
31 DeepDescartes
32 Toanevensmallerdegree
34 CoryBookerandKamala
38 “WildThing”rapper___Loc
40 Coffeedispensers
41 Runwild
42 “Titanic”prop
45 OliverTwist, e.g.
48 Holderofsmallbags
52 Celebwho’ll bea D-lister
58 Lettersbetweentwonames
59 Crackerspreads
60 Chengducheddar
61 Arrives,ascolderweather

63 Drummeron“Something”
64 Cleardrink
66 Withsheepishness
67 NeighboroftheBowery
69 Performa ribbon-cutting
ceremony, e.g.
73 HometotheBruins
74 PiecesofOlympicequipment
76 Someplumsbecomethem
77 Covered(in)
79 Looked(through)
81 TeslaCEOMusk
82 Barrage
86 Gallerypieces
87 “Nobodyknew exactly
90 Heavyentrées
92 Siskel’s foil
93 Mechanic’s cloth
94 SouthernmostIvy
95 ShowwithCheryl Hines,
98 Notmuchofa neatnik
101 Muchunpaideffort
107 BillandHill,intheearly’70s
111 Pineapplecompany
112 Buildup
113 Fishingpole
115 LiketheChineseand

116 Becomesskateable, as a pond
119 U2hitof 1987 , phonetically—
or,howoneword in each
ofthesixtheme entries can
122 “Ohyeah?”
123 “What ___the odds?”
124 Son’s cousin, sometimes
125 Caffeineorcannabis, e.g.
126 Heleft a trail of bread crumbs
127 “Shut___trap!”
128 Wounddown
129 Casualagreements

1 Great-aunt of Drew
2 Novelist Zora ___ Hurston
3 There are 100 between end
4 If everything goes right
5 One of many IBM has
6 Certain nobleman
7 Speechless
8 Transition while talking
9 Be incorrect
10 Use, as a bus
11 Eyes and ears, e.g.
12 They’re poured from growlers

13 Org. seen at ORD
14 Prince of Broadway fame
15 Splat Pack director
16 “The Departed” beat it
for Best Picture
17 ___ acids
18 Early ___ (no night owl)
24 About
25 “Chernobyl” setting
30 Existentialist Kierkegaard
33 Ready for trouble
35 Littlest litter critter
36 Decrees from dictators
37 Caracas cars
39 Canal fluid
42 ___-maligned (given a bad
43 In the style of
44 Lists of priors
46 ___ Greene (“The Godfather”
47 Unsettled conditions
48 Johnny Depp role of 2013
49 Snoozer’s seat
50 Pro touch
51 “Lizzie and the Rainman”
singer Tucker
53 President, at times
54 ___ hunch (intuitively)
55 They mince words
56 Money in Monaco
57 Primary
62 In such a manner
64 Title with a tilde
65 Chalkboard accessories
67 Himalayan land
68 “A Night at the ___”
(1975 Queen album)
70 Early smartphones
71 “The Handmaid’s Tale”
72 Without delay
75 Prokofiev or Eisenstein
78 100 percent
80 “Couldn’t tell ya”
82 Nine before Nov.
83 Fail or forfeit finish
84 Test material
85 Mayonnaise ingredient
88 Biblical food
89 One of Clinton’s opponents
in 2016
91 The College Board gives them
95 Foy of “First Man”
96 Belfast’s province
97 Skin issue
99 Serious promise
100 ___ Mary (brunch drink)
101 Archie’s wife
102 Chocolaty coffee
103 City SSE of Buffalo
104 Mary Kay rival
105 Utah’s Hatch
106 Participated in a regatta, maybe
108 Make used (to)
109 Leave none of on the plate
110 Slow movers
114 Monopoly pair
117 “___ your imagination!”
118 Legislator, briefly
120 “First of all ...”
121 Talk series with an 18-minute

The solution to last week’s puzzle appears on page 72.

NewYorkCrossword byMattGaffney

August 5–18, 2019. VOL. 52, NO. 16. New York Magazine (ISSN 0028-7369) is published biweekly by New York Media LLC, 75 Varick Street, New York, N.Y., 10013. Matt Gaffney’s New York crosswords are now at New puzzles (including this one) alternate with vintage ones, posting every Sunday night. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. Editorial and business offices: 212-508-0700. Postmaster: Send address changes to New York, P.O. Box 420306, Palm Coast, FL, 32142-0306. Canada Post International Publications Mail Product (Canadian Distribution) Sales Agreement No. 40612608. Canada returns to be sent to Imex Global Solutions, P.O. Box 25542, London, ON, N6C 6B2. Subscription rates in the United States and possessions: 26 issues, $59.97. For subscription assistance, write to New York Magazine Subscription Department, P.O. Box 420306, Palm Coast, FL, 32142-0306, or call 800-678-0900. Printed in the U.S.A. Copyright © 2019 by New York Media LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited. Founding chairman, Bruce Wasserstein; chief executive officer, Pam Wasserstein. New York Magazine is not responsible for the return or loss of unsolicited manuscripts. Any submission of a manuscript must be accompanied by an SASE.

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90 91 92 93
94 95 96 97 98 99 100
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
111 112 113 114 115
116 117 118 119 120 121
122 123 124 125
126 127 128 129

Solve This
Sunday nights for
new and vintage

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