Sports+Travel Singapore – July 22, 2019

(Michael S) #1
Aboveground Cappadocia
is an array of marvels. The
Goreme Open Air Museum
is a fascinating showcase
of ancient troglodytic
existence. And the fairy
chimneys all around are
an extraordinary sight
to behold. Many hotels
offer a unique cave living
experience; be prepared for
a rocky adventure like no

A seemingly illimitable landscape.
And so, so many visible, yet
incomprehensible details.
Overwhelmingly apparent, was
that the demesne had a secret to

A lone pillar stands fervently
beneath a pyramid-shaped tip.
The entire rock structure mightily
resembles a chimney.
If you are wondering, no, rocks
don’t usually look like that.
But in the Cappadocian town
Göreme, such earthly formations
are commonly sighted. They aren’t
the unusual, odd occurrence.
They are merely ordinary.
The end result? An aggregation
of queer constructs; the village is
replete with mystic flavour. The
similarity to a delightful imaginary
world is uncanny.

The dreamscape fascinates.
But it misdirects. It charms,
allures, entices and yet ultimately
endeavours to conceal and
To protect something deep
Beneath the ornate and
Beneath the surface.

The tawny subastral domain.
If someone teleports here, it
is impossible to not be briefly


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