Sports+Travel Singapore – July 22, 2019

(Michael S) #1

Get started on

Get your start in exploring the hidden world of caves.
By Julia Lachica GEAR UP!
Just like many of our Sports+
adventures, we always recommend
getting the right tools for the job.
The rocky nature of caves can
cause some serious injuries if
the individual is not wearing the
proper gear. That said, one of the
most important gears you need
is a helmet to prevent you from
butting heads with the rocks as well
as some padded attire to act as
added cushioning when climbing or
crawling in the caves.

Caves are one of the few places
where Mother Nature can be quite
unforgiving, so mistakes should be
kept at a minimum. If you are going
into spelunking as a beginner, know
the limitations your skill set allows.



known as caving, is the exploration of
caves. Discovering the hidden world
that lies within a seemingly boring cave
can be an invigorating experience.
The thrill of spelunking can be a tricky
expedition, so here are some tips
before you cave in!

There is strength in numbers.
Spelunking involves passing through
slippery, dark, and steep obstacles,
so the risk of getting an injury is very
much possible. Even if you follow all
the safety regulations and have all the
necessary equipment, it is still better to
go caving in a group.

SPELUNKING is a very
tiring activity! Make sure
to alert your guide and
group if you are feeling
fatigued at any moment

!during your expedition.

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