If the marriage didn’t do a good job
weathering the low point, the empty
nest may signal divorce. On the other
hand, shifting from mother/father to
wife/husband can improve a couple’s
relationship. In general, Bouchard
explains, “Empty nesters are happier,
at least in their marital lives, than
parents with children at home.”
A 2013 study published in the Journal
of Family Communication backs this
up. Mary King, associate professor of
communication studies at Bloomsburg
University of Pennsylvania, and her
co-author looked at 50 new empty-nest
couples. “Many of the empty-nest
parents in our study highlighted the
benefits of a childless house,” says King.
These parents enjoyed advantages
like more time spent together, fewer
daily responsibilities, greater personal
intimate relationships. In it, author
Joshua Gold, a professor of counselor
education at the University of South
Carolina, quotes an empty nester who
summed it up nicely: “You forget in
20 years [of parenting] what it is like
to choose what you want to do every
night,” this mother said. “We can
cook what we like or go out to dinner
if we feel like it. Our weekends are free
to do what we want.”
This newfound freedom is the flip
side of role loss. Children at home
mean daily demands, time constraints
and work-family conflicts. But once
the kids are gone, parents’ roles
change drastically.
In other words, maybe my post-kid
life will be grand, especially since it
will give me more time to spend with
my husband.
For married couples whose children
have flown — many of whom still have
half their marriages left to go — an
empty nest can make or break the
bond. “Their toughest assignment will
not be adjusting to missing children.
It will be adjusting to the marriage,”
Gold says.
Studies show there’s generally
a U-shaped curve of marital
satisfaction: It’s high in the initial
years, drops in the middle when work
and parenting sap time and energy,
and then rises again later on.
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